Beginners - August 2016 (Page 7)

SFML Wall and SFML tutorials
Hi I am new to SFML and C++, and decided to learn both at the same time as a hobby. I have a texture of a wall and it´s sprite that is 32 by 32 pixels, no...
[1 reply] : Buy a book. Learn the language. No SMFL tutorials are going to teach... (by cire)
about switch statements
Hi guys so i was creating a calculator for fun and i want to include a feature where you can just type 'q' to go back to "main menu", type another operation lik...
[2 replies] Last: Try something like this. string userInput = ... // get the input fro... (by vasilenko93)
string versus sstream to cout
I am wondering why lots of coding became so enigmatic in c++ since 20 years. Maybe someone can help me with this; it is about output. Three kinds of code flavou...
[4 replies] Last: Because sstream writes the same to - let's say - a file as cout does.... (by cire)
Problem with Getline
I am still having trouble with the function getline and was hoping some of you guys could help me fix my program. The goal is to read a sentence typed in by the...
[3 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Help With String
is there something wrong with my if statements? The main code is beneath
[6 replies] Last: Whoa man Thanks! Wow man I really thank you (by Serge1005)
by RobCh
glutMainLoop() not looping?
If I call glutMainLoop() at the end of main, it runs through my function called "display" once and then does absolutely nothing. In order for anything to happen...
[10 replies] Last: Like "Oh, it's been so many ms since the last time this function was ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Phil15
Custom Manipulator with 1 .. N Parameters
Hi guys, I wanted to create a simple class which would act as a manipulator to log staff when flag is set and not log when it is reset. To do this I tried c...
[no replies]
Runtime analysis explanation needed
Hi I have some homework assignments about algorithm and run time analysis but i have no idea what I have to do. The question is about the multiplication of ...
[3 replies] Last: I think you might have to go back to the source because it is not real... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by hlrxj
Programs that can be made with c++
Hey guys, i'm a newbie. i have just started to learn c++ abut a month ago .At this point , i have already learn about cin , cout , sring , int , and the boolean...
[6 replies] Last: LOL Yep, pretty close, for a talented champion that is. :) (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Input string
This morning I did the practice problem in Jumping into C++. But when I run it, everything is wrong. What happened here? #include <iostream> #include <string...
[13 replies] Last: Yeah, yeah, it works now! Yeah! Thanks a lot! (by thinhphucvang)
Can someone explain this to me?
int i, j, k; for(i = 0, j = 100; i<=j; i++, j--) k = i; This is a C++ question I'm having difficulties with. Can someone please explain to me how I can determi...
[6 replies] Last: If you're merely going to monitor the status of each variable from wit... (by gnamp)
MP3 to WAV converter
Hi, I have to make a simple program converting files from .mp3 to .wav. It has to change "stereo" to "mono" and have possibility to change sample rate (from 44...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, the code has 0 errors now. But I am a newbie - Could you tell me h... (by Zeltrax)
Where to "include" stuff in a class.
When creating and using classes I've always included the stuff the class will need, in the .h (header) file of the class. So for example lets say in one of my f...
[3 replies] Last: String was an example I was going to make but it actually is consisten... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Am I understanding pointers and references correctly?
I'm trying to see if I have a basic understanding of pointers and references, so my apologies if I don't. In example 1 and 2, I'm passing a reference of num. S...
[7 replies] Last: 0 to 123? I wonder if a 64 bit system gives a different answer to the ... (by closed account jN09E3v7)
I can't find my errors
I started programming just few months ago. I have an important project soon, so I programmed one so hard(helped by many people also) anyway, I can't find my err...
[3 replies] Last: yess that was the new problem I found. thankyou so much ;( (by paperdoll)
by Suzie
How does svchost.exe work?
Hello! I want to make an executable which emulates exactly what svchost does, meaning I want it to host services, in the same fashion. Problem is, I don't...
[1 reply] : What would you do with such a program that you can't do with the svcho... (by helios)
pointer claimed with a function, not dynamically
I am wondering why the following code works. I feel like the dayname is a local variable. After we return dayname , the pointers dayname ~ dayname should be ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for all help! keskiverto, thank you so much! I learned a lot fr... (by zzhao0610)
Question about passing a function to a function's argument
I learned how to pass a (callback) function to a function's argument like so: void Update(void (callback())) { (*callback)(); // No Error } But I als...
[5 replies] Last: Didn't notice the last answers, thanks @cure @kemort. template <typ... (by hashbrown)
Just a few simple problems. C2664 error
Ugh. I can't figure out why this keeps giving me the C2664 error. :/ all 4 errors tell me that it cannot convert parameter 1 from datatype to datatype. What am...
[2 replies] Last: oh my lord.... so simple... thank you T-T (by NewDummy)
CodeBlocks compiler
I am running this code on a Codeblocks compiler and on an online compiler. The Codeblocks compiler goes in an infinite loop printing infinite "-----" while the ...
[1 reply] : Why don't you try initializing n to 0? (by cire)
August 2016 Pages: 1... 56789... 22
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