by Gantzias
SFML Wall and SFML tutorials
[1 reply] : Buy a book. Learn the language. No SMFL tutorials are going to teach... (by cire)
about switch statements |
[2 replies] Last: Try something like this. string userInput = ... // get the input fro... (by vasilenko93)
by peterbaaij
string versus sstream to cout
[4 replies] Last: Because sstream writes the same to - let's say - a file as cout does.... (by cire)
Problem with Getline |
[3 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Serge1005
Help With String
[6 replies] Last: Whoa man Thanks! Wow man I really thank you (by Serge1005)
by RobCh
glutMainLoop() not looping?
[10 replies] Last: Like "Oh, it's been so many ms since the last time this function was ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by Phil15
Custom Manipulator with 1 .. N Parameters
[no replies]
by muffins123
Runtime analysis explanation needed
[3 replies] Last: I think you might have to go back to the source because it is not real... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by hlrxj
Programs that can be made with c++
[6 replies] Last: LOL Yep, pretty close, for a talented champion that is. :) (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Input string |
[13 replies] Last: Yeah, yeah, it works now! Yeah! Thanks a lot! (by thinhphucvang)
by muffins123
Can someone explain this to me?
[6 replies] Last: If you're merely going to monitor the status of each variable from wit... (by gnamp)
by Zeltrax
MP3 to WAV converter
[4 replies] Last: Ok, the code has 0 errors now. But I am a newbie - Could you tell me h... (by Zeltrax)
by CGunn86
Where to "include" stuff in a class.
[3 replies] Last: String was an example I was going to make but it actually is consisten... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by hashbrown
Am I understanding pointers and references correctly?
[7 replies] Last: 0 to 123? I wonder if a 64 bit system gives a different answer to the ... (by closed account jN09E3v7)
by paperdoll
I can't find my errors
[3 replies] Last: yess that was the new problem I found. thankyou so much ;( (by paperdoll)
by Suzie
How does svchost.exe work?
[1 reply] : What would you do with such a program that you can't do with the svcho... (by helios)
by zzhao0610
pointer claimed with a function, not dynamically
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for all help! keskiverto, thank you so much! I learned a lot fr... (by zzhao0610)
by hashbrown
Question about passing a function to a function's argument
[5 replies] Last: Didn't notice the last answers, thanks @cure @kemort. template <typ... (by hashbrown)
by NewDummy
Just a few simple problems. C2664 error
[2 replies] Last: oh my lord.... so simple... thank you T-T (by NewDummy)
by joemart
CodeBlocks compiler
[1 reply] : Why don't you try initializing n to 0? (by cire)