Beginners - August 2015 (Page 10)

Vectors in Classes?
Every time I try to compile this code, I get an error. What am I doing wrong?... Severity Code Description Project File Line Error C2064 term does not evalua...
[3 replies] Last: Same way. Multiple initializers are separated by commas. Items::It... (by AbstractionAnon)
srand() and Windows 10
I have recently made a till training program where it tells you what the total sale, asks you to type in the cash given by the customer and then tells you the c...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks Duoas, I will save that and read it later. (by SoftMOUNT)
please help me! this is in the morning!!!!!
I am having the hardest time. I cant use anything advanced it has to be simple loops, while loops and must use switch instead of if statements. Write a mai...
[7 replies] Last: thank you guys for the help. I understand it better now. (by zodiacdimes)
Convert const char to binary
I am on a journey of discovery. Having designed the hardware for a hybrid AVR/Z80 Experimenters board, I now need to get it to work. The main challenge I have i...
[4 replies] Last: Lbkulinski, Hi. I tried your code and the Arduino IDE balked at the #i... (by ProjectAVR)
Sum of all elements of a vector
Hello all, I have a vector with float values and doubles, I am trying to sum all the elements of the vector. The problem is: it is only considering the number ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you! (by theseus)
Help with a console program
Hi, I started to learn C++ a few days ago and I'm stuck on an assignment. It's a console program that is supposed to work like a reaction game. It says some...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for sharing this. (by SumitSharma)
Update a class property via setter doesn't work
Hello, I'm trying to exercise c++ coding working on an old style text adventure. I have created a class for Characters. i store the created characters in a ve...
[16 replies] Last: Parameters are configured Character::Character (vector<CObject> my_v... (by Amiplus)
by mykds
Block Userinputs
Hey it's me again ;-) I've written a little Menu like: printf("foobar"); char ch = _getch(); switch (ch) { case '1': { ...
[7 replies] Last: Wow...that's clever ;) Thanks alot mate. (by mykds)
fstreams into one
good morning everyone.. Pls help.. How Can I combine fstreams or txt.file?? example KIM JAMES -------------------- | Kim | | James ...
[2 replies] Last: why after the users input/.. it loops?? and std::setw(2) doesn't r... (by kimrobert)
NEED HELP?? pls....
how to put a file from filestream to add into the linkedlist ofstream kim; string filename; cout<<"Enter Your Name:"<<endl; cin>>filename;
[4 replies] Last: Thanks... But the url that you give me is i've already know.. I want... (by kimrobert)
Is there syntax dictionary I can refer to?
I am reading C++ tutorial and I just don't see how getline(sth1, sth2) works. or how sth.sth() like cin.getline is different with just cin or getline. So I...
[4 replies] Last: There is more than one "getline" function. The one that accepts std::... (by keskiverto)
Writing histogramm
Hello guys, I tried several times to write a code for historgramm, but it does not compile. I woulkd be so glad and thanxful, if someone could help me out :)...
[2 replies] Last: ... it does not compile. When the compiler encounters a syntax error... (by keskiverto)
by Sauvok
Where to go from text-based?
Hello everyone, and thank you for reading this! First, I would like to say that I am relatively new to C++ and I'm interested in moving into Game Programming...
[3 replies] Last: If you are Windows based then DirectX is one way to go. (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by sariki
Recursion with Arrays
Hello again everyone! So I am stuck. I want to write a recursion that pulls information from an Array. This array only has 10 elements to it. I want to print o...
[5 replies] Last: So what you are saying is that I don't need to be moving target. What ... (by sariki)
How do you get rid of processor conhost?
When I am practicing programming, I usually type what I think and try running it. but sometimes the console window that shows the result doesn't show up and the...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you, I really appreciate it ! this is just what I said, the sol... (by kevinkim)
by Winsu
Map Trouble
I dont understand how It's working, I have a map wchis is composed by several things...but the definitions that I find on map aren't appropiate to what I have....
[11 replies] Last: ok thanks (by Winsu)
by Winsu
.hpp and .cpp
I'm not completely sure but I think .hpp is where we use declare the the class and his member function and datas and in .cpp is where we define thoses member fu...
[10 replies] Last: ok, thank you both, I have got it clearly... (by Winsu)
Some questions I am facing to
Hi guys I got some questions I need help. 1. What is the difference between auto and decltype? 2. The parenthesis makes me confused. getline(cin, mystr) ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much ! it really helps me !! (by kevinkim)
Run two things at the same time? thread/parallel/flow
Hello! I am new to programming and have some quetion: if I want two simple counters counting from 0 to 100 and back from 100 to 0 continously at two differen...
[4 replies] Last: Hi, dhayden, I need the counters because I want to build a music softw... (by markzzz)
Learning more advanced Windows API
I have read several tutorials and have learned the basics of the Windows API. I would like to learn how to build an application with drop menus and multiple s...
[1 reply] : I think a few textbooks on The windows API and COM would help me great... (by Livefortheswarm)
August 2015 Pages: 1... 89101112... 28
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