Beginners - August 2014 (Page 40)

cpp PrimerPlus PE 6-2
I know that there is a couple of different ways I could have gone with this, but it works. Reason why I had to use the setprecision was because it kept coming u...
[7 replies] Last: Ok cool. Thanks (by JohnMorris)
spoj problem 5 Compilation ERROR!!! help me out..
[1 reply] : (by ResidentBiscuit)
Question mark in a code
Hi everybody, While I was working i came across a code which was written by somebody else. I see a function defined in a class as [void CCommandHandling::n...
[3 replies] Last: Yes. PLEASE USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button) when posting ... (by AbstractionAnon)
Tic Tac Toe Program does work, but....
Hello Everyone, My daughter and I are about 4 weeks into C++. I have a tic tac toe program that I just finished and it works quite well. I am curious if ther...
[6 replies] Last: % is the modulus operator. This will return the remainder after divis... (by discofire)
hello i have question void lose() { cout<<"Game over! You lose"; cout<<endl; if(exp>=50) { cout<<"You exp has been down into "<<exp-50...
[12 replies] Last: If you take approach #1, every function called needs to return exp bac... (by AbstractionAnon)
What are adapters usefull for?
I`m talking about container adapters. The std::stalk, queue and priority_queue. Like could someone give me examples of when they come in useful. Thank yo...
[1 reply] : Some algorithms use such concepts. Towers of Hanoi. There you move pi... (by keskiverto)
Simple question, Please answer
Hello! Considering that Deduct is a vector... Why does putting an "=" in the test expression not work when testing with a vector.size? for (int i = 0; i <=...
[3 replies] Last: Oh I forgot. Thanks! (by nooblet001)
How do I make this work correctly?
I'm trying to make a program that has 6 colors on the side, which can be clicked to change the color of the canvas. This is built just for three colors though. ...
[1 reply] : How do I make it six colrs?? It doesn't matter whether you have 3,6,o... (by coder777)
HTTP POST request
I am trying to perform a POST request, but my code is not working so I'd like to know any alternative methods. Im looking for an easier method without using so...
[3 replies] Last: What method should I use? I really hate sockets, I thought you didn... (by kbw)
iostream issues
The program will ask the user to enter in data, then copy this data to a file, and will then print it out in a table, then store the data in a master file (copi...
[3 replies] Last: ur welcome :) (by cyberdude)
How to make DELAY between cout Statements
Hey guys, I would like to learn to put a delay between output and input statements. How can I do this? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main...
[5 replies] Last: I've learned something. Thanks Ganado ! Yes, POSIX has dropped usle... (by Duthomhas)
I have a fraction class, but I need to add functions that will convert a fraction to a float and vice versa. This is what I've been trying to work with. Thank...
[1 reply] : Unless explicitly required by the assignment to have a WholeNumber m... (by Duthomhas)
Too Many Repetitive Inputs To Get The Loops To Exit.
Hello! I have written a program that will calculate the area of a circle, rectangle, and a triangle if so chosen by the integers the user inputs (1-4, 4 is quit...
[2 replies] Last: Those mistakes were pretty simple. I am sorry I didn't catch them myse... (by cplusone)
by amjxxx
Running Total in Do While Loop
This is a homework assignment so I understand that answers cannot be given. I have been having trouble trying to figure out how to create a running total in m...
[5 replies] Last: Okay, thank you! You are right, this is very helpful! I will try this ... (by amjxxx)
by dgsm98
For loops not printing
I'm making a simple program that will use a for loop to print numbers in between the two variables, after the program asks the user to input two numbers, it won...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, I don't even know how I made that mistake. (by dgsm98)
c++11 returning a tuple from function
Im trying to return a tuple from a function. Im not sure what the problem is? #include <iostream> #include <tuple> #include <cmath> std::tuple<int, dou...
[3 replies] Last: ahh, thank you guys... (by metulburr)
Input file problem
I am using NetBeans and i just want to open a file but it doesn't work. I have got my main.cpp and next to it my file. The output is "Failed". Thank you for ...
[1 reply] : Where is your executable located? That's what matters, not your .cpp f... (by Ganado)
August 2014 Pages: 1... 383940
  Archived months: [jul2014] [sep2014]

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