Structures |
[1 reply] : That's a very non-specific question. What is your problem? You seem t... (by lastchance)
by Samsher01
Checking whether the number is prime within an interval
[3 replies] Last: Functions are awesome. See (by keskiverto)
by notorand
Wrong values for limits.h constants
[2 replies] Last: lastchance is correct (*at least, for pre-C++20), but just to give an ... (by Ganado)
by mafu1212
Saving an class with a private constructor
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, great code! Works at 100%. (by mafu1212)
by jaffe15
Iterator in linked list
[4 replies] Last: I understand now. Thanks alot, Sensei! (by jaffe15)
by abuh
please help me
[5 replies] Last: I want help to write this content code What help do you need? What... (by seeplus)
by av16352
Lowest value not printing
[3 replies] Last: The easiest way to find the lowest and the highest number is as the nu... (by seeplus)
by NiceS
Error in reading text file
[6 replies] Last: Instead of .ignore(), you can use >> ws to skip all following white-sp... (by seeplus)
Do while loop guessing number |
[4 replies] Last: Hello Winniehuangfu, To start with I am thinking you could start wit ... (by Handy Andy)
by NiceS
using std namespace for a line
[1 reply] : "using" statements only apply to the scope they are declared in, so yo... (by Ganado)
by Ch1156
Using reserve() on vector
[3 replies] Last: For 500 items, I'd say it's not a big deal. The time required to add ... (by dhayden)
by fabstr1
Saving values from a .dat file into a matrix
[2 replies] Last: Hello fabstr1, Some things not mentioned yet: The C header file "<st... (by Handy Andy)
by ccorkran
Memory allocation
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the info! I've being using noskipws with buffer iterators s... (by seeplus)
by nickmcp11
Arrays with Filestream
[8 replies] Last: I can confirm he wants every number multiplied by 2 not double vs int (by nickmcp11)
by dune
getline falling through
[6 replies] Last: .ignore() will clear one char from the buffer. As sel is of type char ... (by seeplus)
by dune
Is there a better way?
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <algorithm> #include ... (by seeplus)
How to insert 25 at the beginning of the the line |
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct ... (by seeplus)
by Scayron
How to arrange and find average, max and min values in 2D array?
[6 replies] Last: thanks very much, it worked! (by Scayron)
by akeilo
Help with functions
[1 reply] : Where do you call report()? (by AbstractionAnon)
by abuh
please help me
[13 replies] Last: ...I am not entirely sure what you mean...? (by JRManx)