by Sevrene
Proper use of ifstream and Funtions
[3 replies] Last: It's kind of silly to have a function just to open the file. Instead, ... (by tpb)
by ETlinny
Access to private class members
[10 replies] Last: string File; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (myfile >... (by keskiverto)
by abir50
what am i doing wrong here?
[5 replies] Last: damn i didn't even realized i had that, must have done it by accident,... (by abir50)
by waffle267
Vectors and Classes
[11 replies] Last: A free function is just a non-member function (outside of the class) ... (by jlb)
by BambiWithPMS
Should I used “dynamic allocating array” or “Vector”?
[2 replies] Last: Hello BambiWithPMS, Yes this is true. At its core it is still an arra... (by Handy Andy)
by One Pea
[1 reply] : Please do not post multiple times. (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by averyniceguy
Question regarding switches, I think.
[3 replies] Last: I do not understand the necessity of bool if I can use int. Using ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by aaronpeart
Delimiter not working
[6 replies] Last: Hello aaronpeart, While I was playing with your program I realized th... (by Handy Andy)
by abir50
counting primes between 1 to x
[6 replies] Last: You should probably increment the count, not just assign 1 to it. (cou... (by Ganado)
by ouzounisg
What are strings?
[1 reply] : It's best to think of a string as a sequence of zero or more character... (by JLBorges)
by abir50
void test function
[3 replies] Last: This description matches the given output: // Loop i from 1 to n. In ... (by dhayden)
by bonecrunch
Problem with M_PI
[2 replies] Last: oh! thanks helios ! (by bonecrunch)
by beginner1127
c++ problems updated!
[2 replies] Last: You need to set the A's elements to 0 in the constructors. Something l... (by tpb)
by BoomMan
Reading file into a class array
[5 replies] Last: since you have various types of data for a single book I would suggest... (by closed account NCRLwA7f)
by ElleJay
How to use in.get() with text file
[5 replies] Last: I'm only to use characters, not allowed to use string type at all (by ElleJay)
C++ to Assembly code |
[2 replies] Last: yes, This is good, I didn't know what it was called....I was under the... (by closed account NCRLwA7f)
by One Pea
Counter returning 1 more than expected
[2 replies] Last: Yeah you were right there was an extra blank line at the end, thank yo... (by One Pea)
by ozamsey10
Add AI to Tic Tac Toe
[4 replies] Last: Also, try to make everything relative to the size of a side. I could ... (by icy1)
by Fishy
Why wont this very simple program with classes and files compile?
[4 replies] Last: I went back and watched things again including how he created projects... (by Fishy)
Having some linker problems with gcc... |
[4 replies] Last: also when you compile be sure to list all the .cpp names: g++ -std=c+... (by nether)