Need Help |
[3 replies] Last: Thomas is right. For some reason I thought you had to output each sa... (by SamuelAdams)
Copy initialization and Direct Initialization |
[2 replies] Last: Thanks JLBorges for replying and helping me. I understood it clearly n... (by AhmedEl3agamy)
by newyork23
build error
[1 reply] : Lines 25-32: What are these lines? Is this supposed to be a function... (by AbstractionAnon)
by rjmacready
Stuck on number averages
[5 replies] Last: Hello rjmacready, Your welcome. Any time. Andy (by Handy Andy)
by mookster66
C++ GUI BattleShip
[3 replies] Last: I still don't understand. You set the text for the same button multipl... (by Thomas1965)
by xxvms
Function call with a problem
[7 replies] Last: Hi Jlb, thank you for that :) I felt the same that there is so much... (by xxvms)
by Nakruf
auto with refrece plus another bit, i think i need an explaination.
[1 reply] : This is a range-based for loop. c is a lvalue reference which bind... (by mbozzi)
by khvkhv
Link List that append 2 queue based on condition
[no replies]
by Flaze07
some problem
[1 reply] : I fixed this problem now... (by Flaze07)
by likma
[8 replies] Last: Thanks man & good luck programming!!! (by likma)
by hegazy tarek
why classes and objects ?? (c++)
[2 replies] Last: There is nothing you can't do with functions and C-structs (not class-... (by jonnin)
by NemesisTheo
Needed help with c++ code
[4 replies] Last: Thanks that helped but the - numbers are throwing off the decimal alig... (by NemesisTheo)
by jothy
Having trouble with arrays output !!! Please Help!!!
[7 replies] Last: @lastchance Thank you very much for your corrections. I was able to ma... (by jothy)
by SVcpp
"head" not recognized
[2 replies] Last: I'm getting a strange error indicating that head isn't recognized eve... (by jlb)
by neoroman
Very large negative value being returned to Main
[3 replies] Last: Since my multi-Class program is a bit more involved than the Struct e... (by cire)
by RytisBe
lookup table using struct
[13 replies] Last: Thank you! (by RytisBe)
ERROR 453 -Can't find Entry Point in C++ dll (x64 bit)
[5 replies] Last: Hi Thomas1965, Sorry to respond so late . The info in the codeprojec... (by JAAFAR)
by DiegoOrtiz
Sorting an integer in descending order
[2 replies] Last: In search of the most obscure code ever written: #include <iostream> ... (by lastchance)
by Boidoh
How to change this program to work with Fractions?
[1 reply] : (by Thomas1965)
by imastruggler
How do I create an infile with ifstream?
[4 replies] Last: Oh okay. Thanks! (by imastruggler)