by Krok2
Best way to Find amount of chars existing in both strings
[5 replies] Last: The following version WILL allow duplicates ('l', 'l', 'o' in the exam... (by lastchance)
by Anami
Garbage value in adding of two matrix objects.
[5 replies] Last: #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> class matri... (by Anami)
by rcwade93
Issue with program that reads a .txt file
[3 replies] Last: If you just want to print the original contents of a file you can use ... (by lastchance)
by CoderGirlV
Help with code
[5 replies] Last: Sometimes it helps if you write your plan down in plain English like t... (by Thomas1965)
by Susouker
Converting from int to string doesnt work
[6 replies] Last: Somehow I was thinking that 0 is not a valid number - probably it was ... (by Thomas1965)
by mastakhan
Display a hexadecimal address as a decimal?
[3 replies] Last: This is a simplification, but basically static_cast will only convert ... (by mbozzi)
by Drakk
system() issues on Linux
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much. i was super confused. (by Drakk)
by imastruggler
What did I do wrong when calling out this function
[5 replies] Last: Does this count as not coding? ifstream inFile(inFileName); readRainF... (by imastruggler)
by Alex1993
Comments for a script
[2 replies] Last: :D Thanks, man! (by Alex1993)
Vector not printing |
[1 reply] : > I keep getting the same error > Error on line: > cout << "Bag Item: ... (by ne555)
by coolangel24
Population Growth Function
[3 replies] Last: [code firstline=67] for(int i = 0; i < numYears; i++) { cout << ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by Earl Henson
Plese Ignore this Post
[no replies]
by zelotic
Monte Carlo Problem
[2 replies] Last: @zelotic, Please reinstate your original post. People will be disincli... (by lastchance)
by Krok2
For loop crashing at the end
[4 replies] Last: Turns out the layer two was saved given by parameter (not as pointer) ... (by Krok2)
by tt13
summing up array with negative number
[2 replies] Last: OMG, that's right I did a stupid calculation, LOL, thank you! (by tt13)
by past98
Using functions from other classes and printing
[no replies]
by karlemange
use std::tolower() to find a keyword in a string
[9 replies] Last: Quite right Thomas, but usually I have 3 reasons for making such posts... (by gunnerfunner)
Operator += applied a to a string value |
[4 replies] Last: Ahhh okay it's overloaded, got it, thanks for the links guys. (by thinkCode6365)
Pig Latin Translation not working properly |
[5 replies] Last: Ok I find out why the pig latin was displaying the same output as the ... (by PiNOYPANDEMiK)
by Mancek78
Voice commands
[no replies]