Beginners - April 2017 (Page 34)

by chipp
double typedata error
anyone knows why this happened? #include <iostream> int main() { int u_input = 0; double u_tax = 0.0; double total = 0.0; while (1) { std::c...
[1 reply] : solved: thx to NewtoThis on the cause: % operator can'... (by chipp)
maps and classes
As an exercise we have been asked to create our own class and use this as the key in a map. So far so good, managed to create a class and put objects in there. ...
[8 replies] Last: Hi JLBorges - yes I agree. It's my first attempt - I'm (hopefully) goi... (by jamesfarrow)
by Lithia
Cash Register Program
Hello, I just started programming a few days ago so it would be a big help if the explanations are simple for me to understand. So for my assignment I need to m...
[12 replies] Last: @kemort Well after I fixed the calculation and ran it, the output sti... (by Lithia)
Bubble Sorting Random Integer Generator
Ok I know how to do bubble sorting but I forgot how to do the random integers part. I'm supposed to prompt the user for a number, creates an array for that numb...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks for your help guys but I'm still lost on everything so you know... (by Starfire)
Printing from Derived classes ******
Good afternoon coders! We recently starting learning about derivied classes and I am having trouble with the objects and printing out information from other ...
[2 replies] Last: how to call salary function or print function. Do I do it in the .h f... (by gunnerfunner)
C++ swapping problem
Hello, i have a problem that ask me to swap the even index(elements) with odd index(elements),but it doesnt work can someone help me please.Thanks from now. ...
[3 replies] Last: A more fundamental problem is here: void swap(int a ) even though ... (by gunnerfunner)
help with string reversing code
I need help with this code, I am trying to output yes when the reversed of the string is the same as original and no if it's not, every time I run the code even...
[3 replies] Last: Pass the reverse iterators of the original string to the std::string c... (by gunnerfunner)
Array of structures?
Could somebody provide an example of an array of structures? I don't quite understand how to do one.
[1 reply] : A struct or class is a user-defined type. Think of it like any other t... (by Chervil)
April 2017 Pages: 1... 323334
  Archived months: [mar2017] [may2017]

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