Beginners - April 2017 (Page 32)

Palindrome reconstruction - please help !!!
Palindrome reconstruction You are given a word consisting of lowercase Latin letters. You need to rearrange the letters of the word so that a palindrome resu...
[7 replies] Last: thank you for all here is the code I wrote not allowed to use the re... (by kizhvac kampazitr)
by Pampam
Init array
Hello, the problem is that i cant deal with initialization of 2 - n array. 1) It there a way to have input const variable by user? 2) What is wrong with my pro...
[7 replies] Last: Do you understand the difference between a function call and a functio... (by jlb)
by xero3g
Easiest method to add a mean output in search and sort code?
Tried a couple ways but can't seem to get it to compile. Any recommendations on implementing said function? #include "stdafx.h" #include <string> #incl...
[4 replies] Last: Hello xero3g, Before you ask the user to continue or exit call a func... (by Handy Andy)
Reversed Strings
So I'm supposed to write a program that asks the user to enter a string and then passes it to a void recursive function which displays the string in reverse. Th...
[5 replies] Last: Hello ohsimplyme, After reading your response and the other messaged ... (by Handy Andy)
Can We Develop A Mobile App With C++
I am a fresh programmer of C++ I have just started learning it. So I want to know that with C++ programming can develop mobile app because mobile application ha...
[1 reply] : The short answer is yes. (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Maze with Stack.
In class been asked to create a program which the following 'S' is guided to 'E' in this 2D maze. ā€˜Sā€™ is the starting position and ā€˜Eā€™ is the destina...
[1 reply] : you generally want to try the next move in the same order each time. ... (by jonnin)
Reading text file problems So I need help reading this text file into a Node. I want to put the title of the show as a stri...
[2 replies] Last: The file you linked is not accessible, probably the server is too busy... (by Thomas1965)
Write a function find_min that takes a double pointer indicating the start of an array, and an int indicating the length of the array. It should return a pointe...
[3 replies] Last: no, not quite. double *min = &array ; for(int I = 1; I < arraysize; I... (by jonnin)
Clearing the "input buffer"? (or whatever the start buffer)
Thanks for your help!
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your help! (by gchoi789)
by kmce
I am trying to remember how something is called, it may be initialise but cannot remember for certain, it is when i have a class made in its own .cpp but in t...
[1 reply] : Circle circle declares a variable circle of type Circle. And depe... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Hello, I'm new to C++ and I'm supposed to write a program that will change the first letter in a file to uppercase and the remaining letters in the words to low...
[2 replies] Last: As an adjunct to that, and either way, reading a line at a time instea... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Arrrays and Bool. Still lost
I'm Having a really hard time with arrays and boolean expressions. This is what i'm supposed to do, but its not clicking. The main program will read in a gr...
[2 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
I am lost
This is what I'm trying to do: The main program will read in a group of three integer values which represent a student's SAT scores. The main program will ca...
[7 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Need help with looping structure
I am a beginner with Programming Fundamentals. I have an assignment that need help. Write a C++ program which implements any looping structure to draw the il...
[19 replies] Last: Well done. (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Accessing class from different file?
So, I am trying to access and use a class that is in a different file to avoid too much clutter in one file. However, my code keeps getting the following error ...
[2 replies] Last: Are you saying to include the libraries? I have those in the "game.h" ... (by ghostk91)
by Ch1156
how to print this vector
Ok so I'm ready a C++ book and in it, it says that you should use as little function arguments as possible. 0 is ideal, and 4 is too many, and thats what i'm tr...
[4 replies] Last: idk, it just seems weird that in main if I have a bunch of functions t... (by Ch1156)
by Dagr
Variables in array
Hi guys I have 1 question, when I was working in class I always used 1 variable seperetly but now I have array in private can u help me? what i must to do next ...
[7 replies] Last: You are welcome @Dagr; But you could write more about your problem and... (by eyenrique)
While loop won't stop looping
Again, this game i'm working on had a bug. I have a while loop dealing for when the player levels up, and it won't stop looping through. Here's the calling of i...
[1 reply] : if (_level == 1) { experienceToNextLevel = 50; } else { experienceToN... (by kingkush)
Odd output on console, assuming its got to do with pointers
I was trying to retrieve an enemy's name once the player was able to defeat them, something I added into a game tutorial I was on, but the output it created was...
[1 reply] : I figured out the problem, I forgot to use c_str() at the end of strin... (by moosyman)
How to setup database connection
Please I need someone to put me through steps to setup database connection with C++. I'm using eclipse IDE and Visual C++
[1 reply] : What database do you want to use ? (by Thomas1965)
April 2017 Pages: 1... 3031323334
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