by mrsh
Resize the array (1,2)
[25 replies] Last: Mbozzi no worries, no offence taken as what you wrote was not offensiv... (by xxvms)
by oPrice
Unable to read more than 1 file unless nothing is done prior to their reading
[4 replies] Last: By the way an ifstream is always an input file (ios::in) and unless yo... (by jlb)
by subconix
Struggling with logic puzzle
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, Im going to work on this tonight and Ill report back once I f... (by subconix)
by ebii
need help
[5 replies] Last: Hello ebii, Lines 17 and 24 should not be there. Only one is need ab... (by Handy Andy)
by yazooda
For C++ programmers .. how can I solve this problem pleasee :[ !!?
[1 reply] : a. Create a look up table holding a 0 - a 1 for all one or two digit... (by JLBorges)
by Caruso
vector exercies
[2 replies] Last: Good point Gunner. I did not see that restriction. As you see I have u... (by Caruso)
Counters |
[2 replies] Last: To avoid duplicating the 20's and 50's try this: #include <iostream> ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by idknuttin
Need help understanding why certain constructors and assignments are called when compiler creates rvalues.
[2 replies] Last: And don't forget that this function: MyClass myFunction(MyClass obj)... (by jlb)
by codefox10
help with if-else statements
[3 replies] Last: So you guys ran the program without any problems? When I put an input... (by codefox10)
by CToy1008
Vector repeats elements with Classes
[3 replies] Last: how to compare elements of a vector to see if there're are any repeat... (by gunnerfunner)
Void function problems |
[3 replies] Last: # include <iostream> # include <cctype> int main() { char a{}, b{}... (by mbozzi)
by code4545
Understanding structures
[2 replies] Last: Take note of what JLBorges wrote. To answer your question yes you can... (by kingkush)
by garrows
Question about functions
[4 replies] Last: @gunner funner, yes you're right. I totally forgot about that. Or else... (by kingkush)
by tyronec
help with code
[3 replies] Last: Then you need to write spaces in front of the *s. The first star at t... (by jonnin)
by simone1988
function returning a pointer to a nest struct
[2 replies] Last: Ok. Now, it works. Thank you very much!! (by simone1988)
by cristina999
Rocket Program (Functions and prototypes)
[3 replies] Last: Hello cristina999, Instead of a lengthy discussion I will just show y... (by Handy Andy)
by rantiv
Battle Function
[5 replies] Last: Thank you (by rantiv)
by Tony321
Functor vs "classic'' class with method ?
[3 replies] Last: Peter87 +1 The only real benefit is the support for polymorphism prov... (by JLBorges)
by Jacfger
Pointer of objects
[4 replies] Last: Chervil Yes you are of course right! I missed & Shame on me! 😄 ... (by xxvms)
by bobby1
Need to complete Insert function
[1 reply] : Why do you have getNext() and getPrevious() functions wihen prev_p and... (by dhayden)