finding prime numbers between 2 integers |
[1 reply] : The logic would be more apparent if you break your code up into functi... (by integralfx)
by awsmdad
Nested parsing vector
[2 replies] Last: My test run output two lines, likely delimiter difference between test... (by awsmdad)
by sesslit805
Displays weirdcharacters when it runs. please help me ****
[4 replies] Last: You're going to need to narrow the problem down a bit more. I suggest ... (by jlb)
by User990
Functional Decomposition: Math tutor Project
[4 replies] Last: The fundamental problem here is that you've written too much code with... (by dhayden)
by stas76
Help with fltk
[no replies]
by daverave1212
How can I get into networking/servers/I don't even know what they're called using C++?
[8 replies] Last: Is this what all (or most) software that require to login use? Or mul... (by mbozzi)
by xxvms
Vector -
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Jlb, Normally I don't use that header file, at the beginning I... (by xxvms)
by elieh
just a data base question.
[6 replies] Last: Ok thanks, I think I understand. I have lots of web searching to do (by elieh)
Program won't output to new file |
[no replies]
Struggling with outputting to a file? |
[4 replies] Last: Something like this: void add_plus_plus (ifstream& in_stream, ofst... (by AbstractionAnon)
by xxvms
Visual Studio and
[no replies]
by imastruggler
Why doesn't the loop repeat?
[1 reply] : Probably because of a "random" semicolon being present at the end of y... (by jlb)
by fguy
Website with C++ O.O.P. exercises
[3 replies] Last: That one slipped by me. Thanks for pointing that out. I try to avoid s... (by fguy)
How do I cout one element of a two dimensional array in main, which was initialized in a header file? |
[4 replies] Last: Ok, accidently kept typing array[1,3] when it should be array (by Beyond Humanity)
by HectorDiaz
Modular Programming
[1 reply] : As a next step, you should create the functions that will eventually g... (by dhayden)
Help with project please |
[1 reply] : A few - but maybe not all issues: * You need to use getline to read a ... (by Thomas1965)
by student2019
Segmentation Fault
[1 reply] : Line 8: int newPos ; cin >> curPos ; Line ... (by coder777)
by gurpartap
Why it throw error?
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for ur support ! Now I understand it. (by gurpartap)
by ling1995
The program I wrote to control the step motor
[no replies]
How to use this code? [Newbie] |
[7 replies] Last: Thank you, I think this A* is bad though as it hits the wall. For exam... (by Chris Longwood)