Beginners - April 2017 (Page 27)

finding prime numbers between 2 integers
I need help with this code, can someone explain to me how its done and the logic behind it. Thank you #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() ...
[1 reply] : The logic would be more apparent if you break your code up into functi... (by integralfx)
Nested parsing vector
Just learning C++, need to do a "Proof of concept" for signal data manipulation. Have a series of csv files that are 4 columns wide, 100,000s of rows high (~30...
[2 replies] Last: My test run output two lines, likely delimiter difference between test... (by awsmdad)
Displays weirdcharacters when it runs. please help me ****
HI guys I don't know what's wrong with my code it compiles but when I run it I get so many question marks and random numbers and letters. I don't think it has a...
[4 replies] Last: You're going to need to narrow the problem down a bit more. I suggest ... (by jlb)
Functional Decomposition: Math tutor Project
Hi guys this is my first C++ project, and it deals with functional decomposition. I am having an insanely difficult time trying to figure out how to solve this ...
[4 replies] Last: The fundamental problem here is that you've written too much code with... (by dhayden)
by stas76
Help with fltk
Hello, I'm studying language by the Stroustrup book PPP, and meet with the problem, I can't install ftlk on VisualStudio2017 :( I have made the all as say S...
[no replies]
How can I get into networking/servers/I don't even know what they're called using C++?
Hello! So I've spent this whole day trying to figure this out. Problem is I don't even know where to start and don't know how any of network related things wor...
[8 replies] Last: Is this what all (or most) software that require to login use? Or mul... (by mbozzi)
by xxvms
Vector -
Hi guys, I am following exercise from Mr Stroustrup book Programming Principles and practice using C++ page 122, there is example about temperature. however...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Jlb, Normally I don't use that header file, at the beginning I... (by xxvms)
by elieh
just a data base question.
I just have a question, if you are writing a code to read from a data base, is it better that the data base is in .xlxs .csv or .txt.? What file format is the ...
[6 replies] Last: Ok thanks, I think I understand. I have lots of web searching to do (by elieh)
Program won't output to new file
Write your question here. I have to write a program to read first value, and that is the number of numbers to be read next. I must calculate average of those ...
[no replies]
Struggling with outputting to a file?
I basically need to read numbers from a file, where the first # incdicates how many numbers should be averaged together. And the program runs until all the numb...
[4 replies] Last: Something like this: void add_plus_plus (ifstream& in_stream, ofst... (by AbstractionAnon)
by xxvms
Visual Studio and
I have tried to upload my exercises to from within Visual Studio. However I am finding that I only can pull, but not send my changes to the website...
[no replies]
Why doesn't the loop repeat?
The ID number and the absences is supposed to repeat 5 times (the number of employees), but it's not. I have this: #include <iostream> #include <str...
[1 reply] : Probably because of a "random" semicolon being present at the end of y... (by jlb)
by fguy
Website with C++ O.O.P. exercises
Just thought I would pass this along. This site seems to have a good selection of exercises, with solutions, on Object Oriented Programming in C++ https://ww...
[3 replies] Last: That one slipped by me. Thanks for pointing that out. I try to avoid s... (by fguy)
How do I cout one element of a two dimensional array in main, which was initialized in a header file?
Just output one element? Deck.h #pragma once #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; class Deck { public: const char cardsList = // i...
[4 replies] Last: Ok, accidently kept typing array[1,3] when it should be array (by Beyond Humanity)
Modular Programming
Hello, I am having issues with my Data Structures lab and I was wondering if you guys could help me. Here is the lab: Write a program that asks for two nu...
[1 reply] : As a next step, you should create the functions that will eventually g... (by dhayden)
Help with project please
These are the instructions for my project Write a C++ program that inputs a string and output a series of ICAO words that would be used to spell it out. For ex...
[1 reply] : A few - but maybe not all issues: * You need to use getline to read a ... (by Thomas1965)
Segmentation Fault
So i'm currently doing an assignment using a linked list and pointers for creating a playlist. For a specific section, we need to create code that changes the p...
[1 reply] : Line 8: int newPos ; cin >> curPos ; Line ... (by coder777)
Why it throw error?
Write your question here. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char s ="C++"; cout << s << endl; *s++; cout << s << endl; return ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for ur support ! Now I understand it. (by gurpartap)
The program I wrote to control the step motor
Hello~all. Thanks for spending time to read my post at first. I have writen a program about using msp430f149 ( this one:
[no replies]
How to use this code? [Newbie]
Hello, I am new here :) I am teaching myself A Star algorithm and I have found this code in a book I'm reading about AI but the book doesn't show an example u...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you, I think this A* is bad though as it hits the wall. For exam... (by Chris Longwood)
April 2017 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 34
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