User: elieh

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User profile: elieh

User info
User name:elieh
Location:las vegas
Number of posts:10
Latest posts:

best way to get user input and search a .csv for it
I updated my compiler from MinGW to TDM-GCC-32 and that fixed the error with C::B not recognizing po...

best way to get user input and search a .csv for it
Ok that took care of all the other problems. the only one I still have left is on line 25 error: 'st...

best way to get user input and search a .csv for it
I replaced all the braces with parentheses (only where they are needed) now I'm getting different er...

best way to get user input and search a .csv for it
Hi Gunner, thanks for your reply. I am getting an error that says: line 10,13,16,18,19 "error: in C+...

best way to get user input and search a .csv for it
Hello I have a .csv file about 3 columns and more than 2000 rows (and growing). I need to write a p...

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