Beginners - April 2015 (Page 51)

Using for loop in this equation using c++ (1,2)
Given equation:S = {(P1 (1-u) + P2u) (1-v)} + {(P3 (1-u) + P4u) v}. This is an equation to represent triangles, Points P1 (2,2,2) and so on, P2, P3 and P4 are ...
[25 replies] Last: That is one triangle. A file can have many such "facet" entries. A... (by keskiverto)
row vector
Hello. I am using C and I want to create a row vector and display it. I mean the user will enter each number for the row vector and the program will show it. I ...
[8 replies] Last: I think the problem was lack of & sign before a in the last printf. ... (by AbstractionAnon)
function prototype
I am not sure what to put for display instructions and calculating the paycheck amount. Can anyone help me with this? Q: this program asks the user to enter ...
[1 reply] : Dont Double Post! - D... (by TarikNeaj)
Just a question
Hi all, im working on a little program that reads a list of basketball teams from a file and stores the data in a struct. Most of the teams only have one name a...
[2 replies] Last: thanks very much for the advice, ill try both and see which one works ... (by apophyus)
Help me to make barcode shape
faster sorting of letter, the United States Postal Service encourages companies that send large vloumes of mail to use a bar code denoting the ZIP code. The en...
[1 reply] : Do Not Double Post - (by TarikNeaj)
Dynamic memory
Can someone tell me if I'm thinking in right direction? We use dynamic memory to use data that would normaly be destroyed. For example: string *pString...
[2 replies] Last: Well I know that I musn't use first code ever because it could crash p... (by jakvrh1)
cin not appearing in compiler
The second cin statement doesn't allow me to enter anything when I compile the code. The first one where you enter yes or no works fine. But the cin statement t...
[3 replies] Last: @Ganado. You just helped me so much. As you can probably tell I'm new ... (by jessiebnyc)
Universal Char rendering
hello Cpeps!! I was watching a Lynda's Tutorial and there was some C mixed with C++. In this picture the guy had a...
[no replies]
by Jweim
Trouble Compiling Prog That Uses Classes
I'm working on this program that runs some functions on a class called dayType, where the user enters a day and then the program can tell you the next day, prev...
[1 reply] : The signature of a function declaration must match the signature in th... (by keskiverto)
Stacks through Pointers
I want to make a code and it must be a pointer. I need push, pop, reverse, and display. I don't know how but i've finished the display. In the push part, my ...
[15 replies] Last: Wait: line 38 doesn't make sense. It should be if (top == 0) ... (by coder777)
C++ no. of data in a file?
i need to enter a couple of data in a file .dat and display it this is my code help please? #include<fstream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> cla...
[no replies]
How to start?
So hey! I am new here and i would like to learn how to program. Problem is i don't know where to start so I was like... Well i should set some kind of goal so ...
[1 reply] : You should begin learning language features, like Control Handling (if... (by S G H)
Need help with 2D arrays
Hi everyone, im a beginner and a project Im working on has to have a function that copies a string to a 2D array row by row from an input of list of names by th...
[7 replies] Last: Please, lets practice first with 1D array. void copyStr( const std::s... (by keskiverto)
while loop simple question
write a while loop to print the integers from 1 to 20. print only 5 intergers per line. can someone help me this question??thanks
[1 reply] : int x = 0; while(x<20) { x++; cout << x; if(x%5==0) cout << endl; } (by agamatr)
Function to find number of elements in a stack
How do you write a function that would show how many elements are in the stack? And also what is an arithmetic expression that would compute the number of elem...
[1 reply] : Depends on what information you're allowed to access. Assuming you don... (by Ganado)
Conflicting Types Error
Hi all. I am getting an error conflicting types for 'dispense' at line 11. Not quite sure how to fix this problem. Any ideas? #pragma warning (disable:4996)...
[2 replies] Last: Remove Line 11 , You already have a function prototype at line 6 so... (by Atyab)
not declared in scope and no member name with vectors.
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include "ANN.h" using namespace std; const int NUM_HIDDEN_NEURONS = 3; //************************...
[2 replies] Last: Ok so I see what I did wrong for the second one but the first one conf... (by majinvegeta010688)
How to animate a list of sprite
How to animate a list of sprite which has certain delay for example spr1 - 3 ticks spr2 - 5 ticks spr3 - 3 ticks spr4 - 2 ticks spr5 - 3 ticks and so ...
[1 reply] : In C++ there are different libraries that are used to develop 2D and 3... (by Atyab)
Counting in a function
I'm pretty sure I'm making this way more complicated than it needs to be. The program already works, but i'm trying to add a counter to the function so that it ...
[5 replies] Last: I don't know that there's one "best way" to accomplish it. There are ... (by tscott8706)
Simulate rolling a die using functions
Hello, I have been tasked by my professor to create a program that simulates a dice roll using functions. The problem that I am having is that I don't kno...
[2 replies] Last: @Blev 58 Actually, it's much easier to get the random die number than... (by whitenite1)
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