Beginners - April 2015 (Page 48)

by larryl
Copy Constructor Using Assinmgent Operator?
I'm not a newbie, but this sound's like a newbie question. Copy constructors and assignment operators can have a lot of code in common. When wr...
[2 replies] Last: Frankly, that code looks utterly unmaintainable. Please show the defi... (by keskiverto)
I have a question, is C++ absolutely required before SFML? I'm sort of in a rush right now, & I need to make this project thingy that simulates Mario Bros. For ...
[3 replies] Last: I have never tried it myself but SFML has been ported to other languag... (by Yanson)
what is with char arrays?
OK, I never use char/arrays. I don't want to play with naked pointers/char/arrays when we have industrial strength tools to take care of these things in most c...
[4 replies] Last: It just points to the start of a location in memory where 5 characters... (by Zhuge)
2d arrays
Hi guys, this is what i got so far. I am having trouble having the function compare element by element and returning either true or false. It is only comparing ...
[2 replies] Last: I think i got it.. thank you keskiverto, youve been much help for me!.... (by howards213)
by MrGoat
Missing ; and ) compile problem
On line 27, the second use of timesCompounded I am receiving a few errors preventing me from compiling. Error C2146 and C2059 missing a ; and ). I do not see ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. Algebraeicly it looked correct to me. (by MrGoat)
by itso27
C++ exam question challenge
Hello all. I have used this forum before for help with my c++ programs and I really like it. This is my first post as an actual user, and I kind of wanted to ge...
[no replies]
Please explain this
This's just a part of the code. (Linked list) chainNode* sourceNode = theList.firstNode; //node in theList to copy from firstNode = new chainNode (source...
[3 replies] Last: All these answers and more on the next exciting episode of "Knightride... (by ultifinitus)
Using a .txt file to fill 2 arrays
I need help making 2 arrays from a single text file. The contents in the array will be side by side. I can only use arrays to do this as well. These are the pro...
[no replies]
Functions by Value and Reference
Hi, I'm working on my assignment. Here is the requirements: 1. Create a first function that gets an input from the user for 3 different pizza sizes (in i...
[4 replies] Last: 1.- I think there is a problem in my program, I need to do all the cal... (by EdevanX)
Memory Fault from member function
Hey guys so I keep encountering a memory fault when I try to call a member function of a class. I'm not sure why. Any ideas? for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)...
[1 reply] : Hmm, I don't see a memory fault here, but "function" may well be a lan... (by ultifinitus)
output nug sack
[1 reply] : Hi there! You can certainly open the file in printStart(); no issues... (by ultifinitus)
base changer, char to digit
I am converting bases 2-16 to base 10 from a string. I dont know what to put in my for loop as well as the function to get the digit from the string. Any help? ...
[6 replies] Last: What you're doing in getDigit() currently is using a loop to add all... (by fg109)
Program that adds two numbers entered
Hi I keeping getting errors on my code i wanted to know if anyone could help me figure out what im doing wrong #include <iostream> Using namespace std; in...
[5 replies] Last: I re-wrote your code so that it would work. In the comments are what y... (by thecrazedone126)
Can someone help me with this polynomial function code?
I'm confused on the findroots part of this assignment and the evaluate function. Tmp is user inputted. The findRoots function should return true or false, depe...
[2 replies] Last: duoas: thanks for the detailed answer! i changed a bunch of things lik... (by misslyss)
quick question issue with code
int mNumber = 0; int numChanges=0; int a; for( i= 1; 1<= 9; i++) { a = i +( i%3); if ( mNumber <= a) { mNumber = a; numChanges++; cout << a...
[2 replies] Last: for( i= 1; 1<= 9; i++) The condition is always true (one is always l... (by dhayden)
by mekki
print on paper
hi, like to print on physical paper. i use xcode. thanks a lot for any idea, cheers m ps: guess i have to use ofstream in some way?
[6 replies] Last: If your as new as you are, I'd recommend not trying to print to paper,... (by Psoon)
two dimensional array
Hello, im working on a two dimensional array assignment. I need to get "scores" from a text file named: scores.txt from four students and calculate the averages...
[1 reply] : 1. Put your code in [ code ][ /code ] tags or else it's a pain to read... (by fg109)
by Mr D
Count letters in string
I need to count the number of times each letter appears, and ONLY the ones that appear. I'm at a loss how to do that. Any help is appreciated, thanks! #in...
[10 replies] Last: oh, how did i not see lines 33 -34? (by shadowCODE)
Help please!!!
Write your question here. Hi i need to write a code that gives a percentage of a percentage ex. 25% discount and once again a 25% discount on merchandise ...
[12 replies] Last: @ShadowCODE then ignore him. He is here becuase he is a slacker, he is... (by TarikNeaj)
Triangle .STL representation
Hey there, Hope all is well with you today! I had a question in creating a structure for a .STL traingle . For back ground information I have attached the li...
[1 reply] : code below represents one triangle but multiple triangles are needed ... (by keskiverto)
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