Beginners - April 2014 (Page 52)

strtok help
I need to convert a date from MM/DD/YYYY to Month DD, YYYY. I've used strtok to separate each part of the date but I'm confused on how to evaluate the first par...
[1 reply] : I'm confused on how to evaluate the first part The first pass thr... (by AbstractionAnon)
by rubito
Help with merging dynamic stacks
I'm working on an assignment that asks us to write a mergesort program. I have the mergesort function but I'm stuck at the merge function. This is what the assi...
[5 replies] Last: Ohh I see, so since I'm already passing a sorted array I can just adva... (by rubito)
Finally finished my code that reads the percentage of a computer battery and tells you the status and the percentage every 10000 seconds #include <Windows...
[6 replies] Last: Ok I'll look into making a UNIX version (by kmtompkins)
understanding calloc
So don't bother trying to understand the point of this program. it's more of a structured learning exercise. My question is, why does this work assuming argume...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, I wasn't familiar with that. (by Dan Feerst)
by Capp
file operations -> console crashing
Hi y'all, I'm a c++ student and was practicing file operations this morning, when a problem caught my attention. I was coding a program which should have read ...
[3 replies] Last: Slightly modified nvrmnd code (his code will lose last record if fil... (by MiiNiPaa)
Why does my program bug out?
Hey everyone! I'm going to turn 15 next month and I wanted to have a career in game development. I've started programming just yesterday evening so I'm a comple...
[7 replies] Last: Ah ok. Thanks everyone ^^ (by Kiddolioable)
File Handling Problem
hi I am new student to C++ , I really need some help with this. Im trying to get an input from an External file ( Bike.txt ) Which has information about its pr...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks Abstractionanon. Got it. (by hiddenx)
by Huppa
Switch structures
Hello, I want to change my if/else structure to a switch structure. However, I'm not entirely sure how to go about doing so. Any help is appreciated! #includ...
[2 replies] Last: /facepalm Thanks @Kooth, I appreciate it. (by Huppa)
by al1432
I have the general set up for a dice game. Now i need to : Extend the program to allow a player Save the players first dice roll if it's a 4,5,6,8,9,10 call...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you for adding code tags. In addition to what James2250 sa... (by AbstractionAnon)
Telling my program to return to a previous line of code?
Hey guys. I'm a total noob and wanted to know something, if you could spare some time for me :). So, how do I make it so my program repeats a block of code agai...
[9 replies] Last: Ty everyone! :) (by Kiddolioable)
Please help with finding the largest consecutive sum of a circular linked list of integers
So I have a circular linked list with each Node given by: struct Node { int val; Node* Next; }; I'm asked to write a program to find largest t...
[5 replies] Last: I think that the logic is a bit off here, but the aim is to iterate el... (by keskiverto)
Need Help with a boolean function using strings
Hello and Good (your current time of day), Let me start by stating that I am working on homework but I am not looking for code because I won't learn that way...
[2 replies] Last: Change you code int string_size = strlen(line); int last2digit = st... (by Rockyy)
by lays
what does it mean about NAMESPACE DIRECTIVE?
When you use a using directive, it is as if you have declared the names in the smallest declarative region containing both the using declaration and the namesp...
[1 reply] : It might relate to this: (by keskiverto)
Using multiple classes in separate files? (1,2)
Hello! I have 2 classes, Tree and Forest. Forest uses Tree's functions in order to build a forest and print it. I've been trying to debug my code for several ho...
[22 replies] Last: Oh, whoops! That was silly. Everything finally works!!! Thank you so ... (by ECEsasha)
by Nyte
Help creating a function
I'm reading a book and it's asking to try to make that piece of a code into a function. I have a grasp on function but I have no idea where to start. How can I ...
[1 reply] : Best to re-ask what they mean. But here is a guess: main() calls sort... (by ShodanHo)
this maybe random but is anyone a CIS major or has a degree in business concentrating in computer information system?
[no replies]
Game Programming
Im juat getting into the c++ language but I want to be a game programmer later down the road. I was just wondering what I need to know to make a game? Just a sm...
[4 replies] Last: I had fun learning how to make a hello world program lol. Ive gone thr... (by football52)
by paduz
Can someone help me with this program
Hi everybody it is my first time that I used this forum. I hope that somebody can help me because I really would like to know what I did wrong. Write a pr...
[2 replies] Last: The output is not corret and I get 4 errors "Implicit conversion los... (by paduz)
by Tanhua
summarize issue (c++)
Hey, I need some help to make my code look little bit smarter. It works as I want it to, but as you can see it looks quite stupid at the moment. So you guys...
[1 reply] : For starters, loops can be your best friend. Using them correctly can ... (by Oh Hey Its Z)
Use a variable as + - * or /
Hi, I am a beginner, in my function AskQuestion, i want to be able to type +, -, * or / and put that in an equation PLEASE HELP! #include <iostream> #in...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by DesmondSun)
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