by tjnapster555
how to convert 190.434 to binary point
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Is this function correct? |
[3 replies] Last: Thanks everyone! (by closed account LN3RX9L8)
by elmurp
How should I approach this...
[3 replies] Last: I don't think I've quite learned about some of the elements of the cod... (by elmurp)
by jayb480
[no replies]
by SuperRazor
Need Help Using Do Loops and While Loops in C++
[8 replies] Last: @ superRazor: First things first. I definitely prefer the coding of Th... (by compiler)
by Arcand
Handling Data
[2 replies] Last: my question is more about the handling of the input, from 43 - 58 of t... (by Arcand)
by CleophausC
[3 replies] Last: Just making a minor correction so people don't get confused. [quote=S... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
by ccatalan
Battleship Program
[no replies]
by Mobius1
Errors with fstream and arrays
[2 replies] Last: Yes, the calls are within the main function. //Defining arrays (with... (by Mobius1)
by kyles11
About reading PGM file
[1 reply] : What does the input file contain? Did you allow for comment lines begi... (by Chervil)
by aprendiz
Matrix Multiplication using Class (Without friend)
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. It solved my problem. God Bless you. (by aprendiz)
Why << for cout? |
[13 replies] Last: Regarding (c): Lets assume that 'greater than' would have been selecte... (by keskiverto)
by regnar86
Undeclared Variable Error?? Thought it's pre-built in <cstdlib>??
[no replies]
by jaspernorth
2d matrix and changing values of all neighbours
[no replies]
by l337SAWCE
Problems overloading index operator
[3 replies] Last: Node* HashTable::operator (int index) isn't works? (by MiiNiPaa)
by Maissa
would someone take a look
[1 reply] : Why did you delete your original thread? The code below is for your or... (by Catfish3)
by pm79080
Beyond the basics.
[2 replies] Last: Never delete your posts like this: (by eklavya sharma 2)
by wk0109
help searching text file !
[no replies]
by lostInCode11
Help with simulating a deck of playing cards?
[1 reply] : num=rand(); type=rand()%4; }whil... (by pogrady)
by jsmith1
random number generation
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