Beginners - April 2013 (Page 38)

how to convert 190.434 to binary point
I need help in converting this decimal point number 190.434 to binary point I done this tell me if I am doing wrong 10111110.011011110001101010011111101
[no replies]
Is this function correct?
int turn_plays(int array , int boats, int &counts); Do all functions have to be uniformed or can they be like mine, where only the lost part "counts" is pass ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks everyone! (by closed account LN3RX9L8)
by elmurp
How should I approach this...
I have a big project that was just assigned in class, and I want to be proactive about getting it set up, but I'm not sure if I'm thinking this out properly. We...
[3 replies] Last: I don't think I've quite learned about some of the elements of the cod... (by elmurp)
need help finishing up program for class, no tutoring at school to help. i have the hole be random from 0 to 5000feet. then allow players to alternate hitting b...
[no replies]
Need Help Using Do Loops and While Loops in C++
What am I doing wrong? I have been doing super simple C++ for a while but when I got the idea to actually try and make something with it, I wasn't sure where...
[8 replies] Last: @ superRazor: First things first. I definitely prefer the coding of Th... (by compiler)
by Arcand
Handling Data
Hi! Im trying to write a (very (very (very))) basic console adventure, and I have run into a bit of a problem. I've come to realize that I dont know how to h...
[2 replies] Last: my question is more about the handling of the input, from 43 - 58 of t... (by Arcand)
this is whay i have so far the key is to write a program that test both if then else statments and switch statements. the program i a weather program tha w...
[3 replies] Last: Just making a minor correction so people don't get confused. [quote=S... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
Battleship Program
I am trying to create a battleship game using a 6x6 board, only 2 ships that cover 2 spaces each, player vs computer, and the better the computer the better. Al...
[no replies]
Errors with fstream and arrays
Im getting these errors 1>Source.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl readInfo(int * const,double (* const) )" (?readInfo@@YAXQAHQAY0M...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, the calls are within the main function. //Defining arrays (with... (by Mobius1)
About reading PGM file
input pgm name to read the width height and max grayscale and i got some long wrong value like Image Width=2359264 Image Height=2009055277 Image Grayscale...
[1 reply] : What does the input file contain? Did you allow for comment lines begi... (by Chervil)
Matrix Multiplication using Class (Without friend)
Hi guys. I am working on a matrix multiplication code. Its working but not correctly :).. I would really appreciate if you guys could help me with this.. Thank...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. It solved my problem. God Bless you. (by aprendiz)
Why << for cout?
Hi again, I know it's a lame question but I'm a beginner. What is the significance of <<? Example: int main () { cout << "Hello World"; // Why use...
[13 replies] Last: Regarding (c): Lets assume that 'greater than' would have been selecte... (by keskiverto)
Undeclared Variable Error?? Thought it's pre-built in <cstdlib>??
Having a hard time figuring out where my error is. It's telling me there are numerous semantic issues which are all pointing to my global variable _MAX_FNAME. I...
[no replies]
2d matrix and changing values of all neighbours
Hello All. I am working with 2d matrix. I'm trying to change values (from 1 to 4) of all neighbours surrounding my starting point. Unfortunately, my current ...
[no replies]
Problems overloading index operator
So to sum it all up, I'm a bit stuck. I'm making a bucket hash style HashTable class that is an array of pointers to single linked nodes. I'm a bit perplexed as...
[3 replies] Last: Node* HashTable::operator (int index) isn't works? (by MiiNiPaa)
by Maissa
would someone take a look
the age wont appear , i think i know why but i dont know how to fix it #include<iostream.h> #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> class student{ publi...
[1 reply] : Why did you delete your original thread? The code below is for your or... (by Catfish3)
Beyond the basics.
I have read the tutorial section on this website and re-read it. Are there any good websites, with tutorials to advance my knowledge beyond this? Beyond the con...
[2 replies] Last: Never delete your posts like this: (by eklavya sharma 2)
by wk0109
help searching text file !
The question is how i search for the name , in order to obtain all the information? my txt file in include id name ic gender dob #include <iostream> ...
[no replies]
Help with simulating a deck of playing cards?
Hey so I am supposed to simulate a deck of playing cards and my program keeps crashing for some reason. Any help would be appreciated. Here are the exact inst...
[1 reply] : num=rand(); type=rand()%4; }whil... (by pogrady)
random number generation
I need some help getting the computer to guess a number within 7 tries. I think I know what needs to be done but I'm not sure how to implement in code. For inst...
[no replies]
April 2013 Pages: 1... 3637383940... 83
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