by sumwun18
text based video game....please don't question it.
[6 replies] Last: You want to do it this way: I've explained the differences in comment... (by Stewbond)
by HPexpress
Why is my function wrong?
[1 reply] : In the first function, one, you swap the variables in theory. Howeve... (by Azagaros)
by Lebron
Where is the problem?? C++
[no replies]
by Venomgt
Markup program Feedback
[6 replies] Last: code tags please. (by ui uiho)
by killerloader
Problem with vector, help :)
[1 reply] : google vectors. if you want to add an element to the end of the vect... (by ui uiho)
by ex81
multiple out files, is there a way to shorten this
[4 replies] Last: for (i=0; i<4; i++) { ofstream outFile ; } for (in... (by ex81)
by drhingle
reading and writing to a file
[1 reply] : void get_file (ifstream &fin, ofstream &fout) { char in_file , out_fi... (by paulthepenguin)
by AlitCandle
Is there a way to loop to the beginning?
[2 replies] Last: std::string, we get reasonable comparison logic auto-magically. But h... (by cire)
by Whaler
Error C2248
[8 replies] Last: I'm not asking anybody to do my homework, as you can clearly see I hav... (by Whaler)
by erandall
main .cpp not including a func-proto header file
[4 replies] Last: Again, the original problem was main() .cpp file not going outside the... (by erandall)
by Lebron
C++ please help.. This square doesnt work.
[no replies]
by coke905
Allegro extreme problem
[no replies]
by volpe923
I need help new to this.
[1 reply] : Has all your answers. P.S. Should learn the di... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by Theharpman
Identifiers with array of structs????
[no replies]
by hay123
writing code to find standard deviation and the median?
[no replies]
by allytrice
Hamming Distance
[8 replies] Last: You'll need to use a loop, for n in [0, length_of_shortest_string - 1]... (by Duthomhas)
by sumwun18
Begginer Projects
[3 replies] Last: Well that would be a good place to start: (by Lowest0ne)
by gmenfan83
String input validation?
[6 replies] Last: isLetter needs a lot of work, seems like the rest of it does to. if(... (by Lowest0ne)
by doomxgir
Credit Card C++
[no replies]
by vega512
Creating a function to see if a word is a palindrome
[1 reply] : Try the following function bool is_palindrome( const char* first, co... (by vlad from moscow)