Beginners - April 2012 (Page 24)

Passing by address
I am trying to pass a value's address to a void function. I am getting an error in DevC++ "invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'double&' f...
[2 replies] Last: Do'oh. Thx (by Texcuda)
Storing values??
How do I store the multiple values in one variable, Or in other words, how do i put multiple calculate values in a single variable? Is it possible if I use arra...
[4 replies] Last: declare functions as such #include <iostream> #include <vector> #inc... (by ui uiho)
Computer Programming in an Online College Course?
I have been taking online college classes with the University of Phoenix and I have not taken any Programming classes or IT classes yet because I just started. ...
[1 reply] : There isn't a defined protocol for online courses. The group offering... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
Histogram program help
I essentially want to be able to show multiple symbols based off a variable. Ie, my variable is random based of srand(time()) now i want to be able to have thi...
[2 replies] Last: Your help is much appreciated! (by RyanAnderson2)
Recursion is HARD!
Hello coders, I have a final tomorrow, and no matter how many tutorials I have read, I cannot figure out recursive functions. What a nightmare. Can anyone g...
[9 replies] Last: I would give it an "A" because it will give you a correct answer, but ... (by Computergeek01)
Spanish equivalent parameter, need help with hw
I honestly don't understand what my teacher is asking me to do, but here's the question, maybe someone can comprehend what the question is, because I sure don't...
[10 replies] Last: Since the function prints out the spanish words itself, it really has ... (by atropos)
So my teacher sucks at explaining things in class. We recently went over arrays and pointers. Can someone give me a basic run through that is easy to understand...
[8 replies] Last: every function returns a value unless it is declared 'void'. Example... (by IWishIKnew)
by manp
using multiple header files
I am trying to practice with header files and object-oriented programming. but I have a problem that I dont know which specific way I should go. Actually I ca...
[no replies]
Need to know how to access fstream within a class
I'm working on a project that requires me to input data from several text files using a public member function from a class, and assign a value from each functi...
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Please, Please instructed me
Hello C++ coders, couse i'm a absolute begginer i need a HELP with one task. i need to write a function that recieves an array of integers, and number of ele...
[7 replies] Last: int temp = 0; for(int a = 0; a <= THE_SIZE_OF_YOUR_ARRAY; ++a) { ... (by Computergeek01)
How do you store data when dealing with classes?
Im making a dice game, how do you store the data so that it can be incremented over time. Just give me example code.
[4 replies] Last: thankyou guys I will try the void getRoll method in a few hours, that ... (by maskanio)
External error searching 2-d arrays
Here is a simple program I wrote to search a 2-D array, unfortunately when running this: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstring> usi...
[2 replies] Last: A stupid spelling error aghh! Anyway thanks for making me realize it. (by maggiedelord)
Formatting To Output File
Trying to figure out when the program is run more than once how to make it so that in outputfn function that the formatting only copies to output file once bu...
[2 replies] Last: This is a beginner course we haven't touch ios::app yet. I have ofstr... (by bbbgggfff)
by sppsly
cout << "Hello, and this is sppsly. It will be my first post please be gentle."; Now, down to buisness, I've been trying to make a battleship game and it jus...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you so much! I can't thank you enough! This will help me so mu... (by sppsly)
Data Structure Question About Hash Files
Hello I have a homework question and although I'm not looking for someone to answer this for me, a guide would be appreciated from senior programmers here. ...
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C++ Phonebook Program, Need Help
I am given the code below and need to add a few things to it: after developing the code i have these are still the things I really am not sure how to finish. An...
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by h4344
Whats A Good Practice Program to Make?
What would be a good practice program that i could try to make for beginners? I have some experiance with C++ but i want to learn more and i find that i learn b...
[2 replies] Last: Make an automated-teller simulator program, or a bank account, ATM, ca... (by BetterIdeaForTomorrow)
What am I doing wrong? working with classes
I was told to write a program that gets from a file, a first name, last name and age. I was also told to break it up into 3 parts. When i run my function i get ...
[6 replies] Last: Retrieve info as input or from the object? (by georgep)
for a global variable i can declare in this way: #include<iostream> int x=5; int main(){..} but this gives an error..why?? #include<iostream> int x; x=5; //e...
[13 replies] Last: I don't recommend globals. I know there are many reasons not to use gl... (by Peter87)
"Undefined Reference" Error! Help Plz
Would someone help me understand why I keep getting the error: "In function main: [linker error] undefined reference to readBook(BookData)" I have spend hou...
[2 replies] Last: bookInfo(ReadBook) , this needs to be by reference. (by Lowest0ne)
April 2012 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 66
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