Beginners - April 2012 (Page 13)

struct, array, function, stumped >.<
Hi working on a lab and at this point we are supposed to alter the program so that a void function is used to print the information in place of the for loop & I...
[3 replies] Last: You shall define the function. (by vlad from moscow)
Can't seem to make random number generator generate random accuracy?
Have you sometimes ever hear that beep sound in your ear? and the myth is when you hear a "BEEP" that means someone is talking about you, rather it is real or n...
[12 replies] Last: Disch can you be my MENTOR!? LOL (by idgafsmd)
C++ Palindromic Numbers with using arrays..Please somebody help
I am trying to get positive integer numbers as inputs and checks to see if those numbers are palindromic. Like that; Enter a positive integer (0 to exit): <1...
[10 replies] Last: You'll be comparing the ints, not the arrays. Your initiation is most... (by GRex2595)
deleting an object?
Hi guys, I'm wondering how i would go about deleting an object when it collides with something,i.e a wall, target etc. ive done the collision detection inside...
[10 replies] Last: That's what i said there. You need a hide mechanism for the first case... (by knuth)
Code Review:Linked List (1,2)
Having started C++ programming two days ago and never reading C++ before, I have no idea what my code should look like. I do have 5 years experience in Python a...
[21 replies] Last: So how would i fix my List deconstructor? (by Script Coder)
#include inside a function
Hi, I am trying to "transfer" a part of my main program that needs the libraries stdio.h and sstream to an external function (another ".cpp", in the same ...
[2 replies] Last: std::cout is defined in <iostream> std::string is defined in <string> ... (by Peter87)
by Jlm07
Returning Nothing
Every time I type in a code; I keep on getting this message when I run it: Process returned 0 <0x0> Execution time: (time) s Press any key to continue. N...
[12 replies] Last: Duoas, Sorry, I wasn't really suggesting a fix. I saw the latest post... (by MrHutch)
Array reassignment then deletion -- what happens to the orig array?
Say you have an array that you created using new. buffer = new char where length is determined at runtime. Now, say, for one reason or another you d...
[2 replies] Last: aahh very informative. Thanks Cubbi. (by trentkg)
whats wrong with my program!!!!???
my program keeps exiting in the middle; and i am not sure what i did wrong. This is the program: #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<cmath> usin...
[1 reply] : You are attempting to store string 'unknown' into variables of type do... (by Script Coder)
How to run main() with arguments in codeblocks?
I would like to run the following code with several integers as arguments, how to set up the script/configuration in code::blocks? #include <iostream> #includ...
[3 replies] Last: Athar, you are exactly right. I also confirm your message from codebol... (by foxatlarge)
Header questions
I've been reading source headers. A few enigmas have appeared that have baffled me. One of them is a bizarre declaration: DECL(p1, p2, pN); DECL(p1, p2, pN...
[no replies]
Visual C++ 2008 Express Help
VSC++2008 won't include the changes I make in the code when I tell it to debug, how can this be remedied? I can completely remove my code, save it, and when I p...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by Eli1001)
Linked List *head
No, this is nothing like the linked list question a few posts down :) We just learned about linked lists in class, and I'm having some fun with them. I've got...
[no replies]
is there a function for this?
Ok, so i didn't learn about this in class yet but i need it in a program that i am working on. Is there a way to write the formula r= ( (12*t)radical(total/p)...
[2 replies] Last: thank you very much!!!!! (by fionwu0421)
C++ Choices, Help Appreciated!
Hi, I'm currently teaching myself C++ reading books, watching videos etc, been doing it about a week now and im trying to make myself a calculator, I've man...
[4 replies] Last: OK, Thanks for your help, at least I've got something to work with now... (by jond291)
Putting diacritical signs into console
Hello again! So right now I'm creating some program with much text. It's in Polish, so I use my diacritical letters(ć, ś, ź, and so on). However, as you k...
[2 replies] Last: Or, you can just include a new font file with all of these letters, th... (by Vlykarye)
confusing log equation! Help!!!
Hi, I need help! For the equation: total= pe^(r*t); I must put in my program how to find the 'r'. I tried entering: r*t= log(total/p) r=(r*t)/t; The comp...
[3 replies] Last: sorry for the confustion; but I finnally got it! thank you ! (by fionwu0421)
math library not cooperating.
So im trying to find the distance between 2 points ( with an x,y coordinate). So im trying to use the Pythagorean theorem. But im getting errors and not sure ho...
[2 replies] Last: ooooh! yeah your right. Thanks!! (by zertech)
Issues using substr to access characters
In this code I am supposed to enter a 5 character inventory code. The inventory code has a color associated with it and I am supposed to be able to use substr ...
[1 reply] : Try this for your if statement: if (inventCode.length() < 5 || invent... (by OniKurisuchi)
April 2012 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 66
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