Beginners - April 2012

Help with an EOF loop
So this program takes a string. asks for a charaacter to look for. And then if that character is in the string it will reverse the string. It needs to be in an ...
[3 replies] Last: Gotcha. :) Just remember to "tell" your user how to end the program! ... (by Kazekan)
Help writing a program...
I need to write this program for class... will someone help me write it or as lease give me a guideline on the structure. Thanks Leap year? You have been...
[12 replies] Last: for some reason i cant use void main() The reason is that void main... (by Moschops)
Returning an array of characters
Hi everyone! I have a private data member that is an array of characters that stores a bunch of numbers (123456789). The data member name is listNum. I am wr...
[2 replies] Last: This does not return the array (i.e. a copy of the array), but a point... (by Athar)
by ReiRei
Alternating sum
Okay so here is what I am trying to solve . Write a function that computes the alternating sum of all elements in an array. For example, if alternating_sum is...
[1 reply] : Wow just solved my own problem.....while (true) should have been while... (by ReiRei)
Manipulating 2D arrays to compute the sums and averages from an infile
Hello everyone. This is my first post here to this forum. I am still grasping C++ so I apologize if I come off as slow. It seems I almost have this right, but...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Kazekan for your help! While I would love to input this into my... (by sephiroth1134)
Stats for floating point values
Write a program when completed will compute three statistics for a set of floating-point values. These statistics include: a) the count of all numbers, ...
[1 reply] : So you'll need a couple of if()'s in your program, and an understandin... (by newbieg)
Searching text files, would this method work?
Hi, I'm new to C++ and am wondering if I am going about doing this right. I am working on a simple library management system project. I have it working up to ...
[1 reply] : Here's my current progress. Not going quite how I want it to. //....... (by frog030)
by sakilo
string concatenation coding problem.
In this program, i am trying concatenate different inputs that have been defined by the user. The problem comes in when i am trying to make a phrase such as "Th...
[7 replies] Last: What do you mean? Whitespaces are characters... White spaces are c... (by Arres)
by moot1
How do i use windows.h to let the user use the keyboard to do stuff
[7 replies] Last: if you're looking to create games, SFML is a better option for you. (by Need4Sleep)
Something is wrong with my titration calculator
Hello, I am making a simple titrations calculator. Here is what I have so far (Yes, yes, please don't berate me about system ("cls);) #include <iostream...
[2 replies] Last: Ahah, thank you! I changed it to 37: basemol = acidmol; and now itjus... (by nerdycameron)
by Macki
compiles in dev c++ but not in ms vc++ 6.00
hi again I did this in dev c++ works fine .. this was actually a converted program from vector arrays then to pointers I used this line to convert vector array...
[3 replies] Last: You guys rock.... Athar.. thanks for the comment I like that.. convo... (by Macki)
Classes and objects [ISO C++ forbids declaration of testa with no data type]].
Hey guys, I'm just starting to learn some c++, and I've encountered an error which seems puzzling to me. The issue I encounter is when trying to create multiple...
[4 replies] Last: Ah, that would make sense... Solved! tyvm moschops! (by roger911)
blackjack c++
I am a beginner and taking a required engineering program class. I am having difficulty understanding and putting these codes together correctly to make the bla...
[2 replies] Last: The blackjack program starts but then gets stuck in the while-loop whe... (by jersbol)
by bailey
Class objects in main
Hi, I need to make an object for a class in main in a piece of code that I am compiling. However it won't let me create this object, similar to how I've done...
[10 replies] Last: You have code structured something along these lines. class Rectangl... (by doug4)
Adapting a trigonometry solver (1,2)
Hi guys, I have found this very good piece of C/C++ source code which allows you to find out pretty much everything about a triangle as long as you know the len...
[26 replies] Last: Thanks very much, I appreciate it! (by nerdycameron)
Am so stuck in this Question ! c++
i have hw and i dont know how to solve the Question !! Roman numbers system has the symbols I V X L C D M 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000 Roman Numbers are...
[4 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int main(... (by asfandahmed1)
copy struct then delete old one.
I have two instances of structs. struct Foo{ ... } Foot1 *foo1Instance = new Foo1(); Foot1 *foo2Instance = new Foo1(); i populate *foo2Instanc...
[1 reply] : It is possible that your structure has a member that is a pointer to a... (by vlad from moscow)
by crispy
C++ 2D Array Sorting
Salutations cplusplus users, I'm having a bit of trouble with my sorting algorithm, I've looked on other sites and for simple sorting codes and I've read that b...
[14 replies] Last: You're welcome. Does this code sort correctly? You're doing a terribl... (by TheDestroyer)
Working with strings and vectors
I have a vector<string> and a string "hello,world". I want the vector to end up containing {"hello," , "world"}. I know enough about string member functions t...
[2 replies] Last: I'm looking for something like vct.push_back push_back is exactly ... (by Cubbi)
bank deposit program. Not returning correct values. Any suggestions?
I don't understand why my result is not the same as the one provided. I get 220 as my final balance. They get 128.2. I feel like my code is right... The futur...
[4 replies] Last: Nevermind. Used math.h with pow() and it is working now. (by Algar32)
April 2012 Pages: 123... 66
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