Beginners - April 2010 (Page 18)

Input limit
Hello. CPnewbie here. I need to make this completely functional code that converts all lower case letter from the user's input to upper case also only allow 11 ...
[5 replies] Last: When I use the stringName.length() the limit actually goes within ... (by sicwithstiX)
Implementing a priority queue
I'm trying to implement a priority queue, but I'm having some problems with the dequeue() function. I used a binary tree to implement the queue, so the biggest ...
[1 reply] : Okay.. I sort of fixed it, in the sense that the queue works now, but ... (by adikid89)
by Okaya
Converting a char to an integer
Hello everyone, I'm writing a program and I've been implementing a way for the user to type strings of integers which are then parsed and converted from char...
[2 replies] Last: Yes, it does, thank you very much sammy34. I appreciate the response. ... (by Okaya)
How initialize a default value for string array
Hi... I am new to C++. I want to know how to initialize default value for string array.. ex: string myArray ; in the for loop, the empty array should be d...
[6 replies] Last: If it's previously declared and you want to assign values to it, I t... (by moorecm)
Need Advice on How on reading and breaking up of text file
Dear All, I need to an advice on the following. Which method can i use to read the following format of text file? I have tried getline and also using ext...
[2 replies] Last: stringFName StringSName stringIC char int stringCName stringNumber i... (by Bazzy)
by ToniAz
Class constructors and class array members
Hello everyone, Lets say I have: class student { public: student() {midterm = 60; final = 60} student(int a, int b) {midterm = a; final = b} priva...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks alot! Finally worked with min code written :D (by ToniAz)
Putting three numbers in ascending order
My assignment is to write a program to put three numbers in ascending order. Here is what I've got: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using names...
[6 replies] Last: Besides the fact that i have no idea whatsoever about what you're jabb... (by AngelHoof)
"continue" statement
This is a sample program out of a book I have (C++), demonstrating the use of the "continue" statement, in a FOR LOOP. The program asks you how many "items" yo...
[2 replies] Last: thanks so much ! (by EEVIAC)
If I wanted to make a Bullet shoot from something automatically as soon at the game starts and continue to shoot every say 2 or 3 seconds(creating a new object)...
[5 replies] Last: Ooooooooh... mice... (as opposed to rats)... really, there's only so m... (by Albatross)
Pointer/variable references.
Heya again! This time, i've got a very simple question - perhaps the answer i more complicated though, hehe. So i've got some degree of pointer-understand...
[4 replies] Last: Aww, fantastic! Good to see somebody else dedicated to syntax ;) (by AngelHoof)
by hsh a beginner
how can i calculate (1/25)+(3/24)+(5/23)+(7/22)+(9/21)+(11/20) using two (for loop) the answer is=1.6791
[7 replies] Last: I just want to tell you the aglorithm before. double s = 0; for... (by qudongfang)
overloading operator -
Hi all. I just started learning c++ and its been going really well. But now i've run into a problem i can't find the solution for. //not gona write th...
[3 replies] Last: Found out what the problem was. The teacher wrote tha main.cpp file, ... (by nossrannug)
Uri to String
Hello, I've been trying to get my textbox to display the website I am currently browsing. I've tried many different ways but they all end in a JIT debug error....
[2 replies] Last: I am starting the program, it's a web browser. (by MadMonkey)
Trying to understand vectors
Hi all, I am trying to understand why the following code fails to update the recordID in the Record objects. Is it something about the Record pointers retur...
[3 replies] Last: Duoas, Cheers and thanks for the reply. I think that my types are ... (by Sanders)
how does it work?(im a beginner)
hi to all please help me(im a beginner) when we use two for loop without {}, how does it work? for example: what is the output of this code?::: #inclu...
[4 replies] Last: The simple answer to why you're not getting the desired output is that... (by AngelHoof)
Interesting indescribable bug
Hey everybody. I made a calculator program today, and it works pretty well; but when you do something unexpected(like entering x, y, operator as opposed to x, o...
[6 replies] Last: Wait... You can't define char variables, or you can't use them with an... (by hanst99)
Weird error in for loop
I tried a very simple problem (the first one, in fact), that went like so: Find the sum of all multiples of 3 and 5 up to 1,000. I wrote ...
[2 replies] Last: LAWL. Epic fail. Thanks, mate. Gave me the right answer. (by QWERTYman)
by Mreza
I heard that They can program ROBOT's by C++. is that right? If yeah Plz tell me which version of C++ is needed for robot's.
[4 replies] Last: Well i think that you can program a robot with c++ but you may need to... (by MSkillet)
by abc
x=y; and (*x)=(*y);
What is the difference?
[2 replies] Last: *x = *y... This is assuming that x and y are pointers, right? You'll ... (by sammy34)
Getting a garbage value.
Hello, first time poster - Have been meaning to register for a long time.. But i haven't gotten around to it until now. So expect alot of noob question, hehe. ...
[6 replies] Last: Kempofighter, that's a great thing to remember... I never consider any... (by AngelHoof)
April 2010 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 35
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