So, I wrote a class that dynamically creates Arrays.
Now I'm supposed to turn it into a template, so that it deals with not just int arrays, but also char and string arrays.
I understand the general concept of templates, but the actual syntax is eluding me.
I tried finding examples of templates online, but the online tutorials seem to only describe what templates are, which I already understand.
I followed the syntax of the few examples of actual code that I did find, but then when I tried compiling my program I encountered a slew of errors.
I played around for about two hours and cut down a lot of the errors, but now I've hit a wall. Can someone show me what's wrong with my code (there seems to be something seriously wrong with the cin/cout overloaded functions)?
I don't expect any of you to actually correct the slew of errors here, but can you at least show me one example of something I'm doing wrong? I'm sure I'd be able to fix the rest once I understand the basic idea.
Here's my .h
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//prevent multiple inclusions of header file
#ifndef Array_h
#define Array_h
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class Array
friend ostream & operator << (ostream &, const Array &);
friend istream & operator >> (istream &, Array &);
Array(int = DEFAULTSIZE); // default constructor
Array(const Array&); // copy constructor
~Array(); // destructor
int getsize() const; // return size
// assignment operator
const Array & operator= (const Array &);
//equality operator
bool operator == (const Array &) const;
// inequality operator; returns opposite of == operator
bool operator != (const Array &) const;
static int getDELIM();
T/*int*/ & operator[] (int);
T/*int*/ operator [] (int) const;
static const int DELIM = -999; // example of using a delimiter to signal end of input
static const int DEFAULTSIZE = 10; // default array size
int size;
T/*int*/ *arr;
template<class T> Array<T>::Array(int s)
if(s <= 0)
size = s;
arr = new T/*int*/[size];
cerr << "error\n";
template<class T> Array<T>::Array(const Array ©)
arr = copy.arr;
template<class T> Array<T>::~Array()
delete [] arr;
arr = NULL;
template<class T> T & Array::operator[] (int subscript)
if (subscript < 0 || subscript >= size)
cerr << "Error";
template<class T> T Array::operator[] (int subscript) const
if (subscript < 0 || subscript >= size)
cerr << "Error";
return (arr[subscript]);
// friend
template<class T> istream & operator >> (istream & is, Array & in)
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < in.size; i--)
cin >> in.arr[i];
return (is);
// friend
template<class T> ostream & operator << (ostream & os, const Array & out)
for (int i = 0; i < out.size; i++)
os << out.arr[i];
return (os);
template<class T> bool Array::operator == (const Array& op2) const
bool arrayEqual = true;
if(size != op2.size)
arrayEqual = false;
for (int i = 0; i < op2.size; i++)
if(arr[i] != op2.arr[i])
arrayEqual = false;
if(!arrayEqual) // If arrayEqual is false once, it is no longer necessary to check and continue the loop
i = op2.size;
return (arrayEqual);
template<class T> const Array & Array::operator = (const Array& op2)
if (size >= op2.size)
for (int i = 0; i <= op2.size; i++)
arr[i] = op2.arr[i];
size = op2.size;
delete [] arr;
size = op2.size;
arr = new T/*int*/[size];
template<class T> bool operator != (const Array &right) const
return ! (*this == right); //invokes Array::operator==
} // end function operator !-
template<class T> static int getDELIM()
And here's my .cpp
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Array.h"
int size = 0;
cout << "How large do you want your array to be?\n";
cin >> size;
Array<int> arr(size);
cout << "Enter the values of the array\n";
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cin >> arr[i];
cout << "your numbers are: " << arr << endl;
cout << "arr[1] = " << arr[0] << endl;
arr[0] += 7;
cout << "arr[1] + 7 = " << arr[0] << endl;
arr[0] -= 3;
cout << "arr[1] - 3 = " << arr[0] << endl;
cout << "arr = " << arr << endl;
cin >> arr[4];
cout << "arr[5] =(what you just entered)= " << arr[4] << endl;
cout << arr << endl;
Thank you so much.