Help with declaration and implementation

Could anyone help me with this tutorial about how to approach it and what to write into the program.

//This tutorial assignment will practice the declaration
// and inplementation of simple functions.
// For simplicity, and to remove the extra time to define function prototypes,
// the main() function will be left at the bottom of this program file.
// For each of the three functions in this tutorial:
// -- determine what appears in the formal parameter list
// i.e. they all have no parametrs now, but that must change
// -- determine whether it is a value returning function, or void
// i.e. they are all void now, but some will have to change!
// -- determine which formal parameters will be references to variables
// -- code the function to perform its task
// The main function is already complete, except for some comment markers
// (which are present to avoid compiler errors).
// For each case, implement the function so that it matches
// the expected behavior as called by main().

// DO NOT rewrite the function calls in main -- only remove the comments.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

// Implement your functions here.
// (Remember to uncomment the calls in main() to test them)

// maximum:
// returns the larger of two integers
// example call: cout << maximum(14, 25); would output 25
void maximum( )


// intPower:
// given a real value (double) and an integer exponent
// raises the value to the desired power, returning the result
// DO NOT call the pow function... do the multiplication yourself
// example call: cout << intPower( -2.7, 2 ); would output 7.29
// This function may assume the given exponent is not less than zero.
// (but it may be exactly zero)
// recall: x ^ N = 1 * x * x * x .... (N times)
void intPower( )


// sort3:
// given references to three integer variables,
// rearranges them so the first is the largest, and the third is the smallest
// example call: sort3( k, l, m );
// HINT: It is possible to do this with exactly three statements of the form:
// if ( ____ > ____ )
// swap( ____, ____ );
// Some assertions are provided to help you
// There is already a function called swap that exchanges value
// which you may use. There is no need to implement that function.
void sortThree( )
// originally, the three values may be in any order

// the first is now greater than the second

// the first is greater than both the second and the third (it is largest)

// the values are now all sorted with the first largest and third smallest

// The code below will test the functions implemented above.
// Make no changes here aside from removing the '//' comment markers.
int main()
int i, j, k, l, m; // some generic integer variables

cout << setprecision(4); // show only 4 significant digits
for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
j = rand() % 100;
cout << "The larger of " << j << " and 25 is " << maximum( j, 25 ) << endl;
cout << "The larger of " << j << " and 50 is " << maximum( 50, j ) << endl;

for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
cout << right; // right justify these integer results
cout << "-2 ^ " << i << " = " << setw(2) << intPower( -2, i );
cout << left; // left justify these float results
cout << " 1.414 ^ " << i << " = " << setw(6) << intPower( sqrt(2.0f), i );
cout << endl;
cout << "10 ^ (-5) = " << intPower( 10, -5 ) << endl;

for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
k = rand() % 100;
l = rand() % 100;
m = rand() % 100;
sort3( k, l, m );
cout << k << " >= " << l << " >= " << m << endl;
You need to write the body of each of the functions outlined.

We're not going to do your homework for you.
Make an attempt at the functions. If you get stuck on something specific, post back and we'll try and help.

PLEASE USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button) when posting code.
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