regarding main function

what is the use of 'int' in the command 'int main ()'?
it's the return type. When you have
int main()
return 0;
It's basically a function that takes in no parameters and returns the integer 0;
just that you don't need to write return 0; or any other integer value
The int returned by main() is a way for a program to return a value to "the system" that invokes it. On systems that doesn't provide such a facility the return value is ignored...
On the command line this return code can be found in the environment variable ERRORLEVEL.
In the Powershell it's the variable $LastExitCode.

void main(){

works with most compilers / libraries, too.
void main(){

works with most compilers / libraries, too.

Regardless of whether it works or not, it's still wrong
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