I am trying to pass a struct to a class so the class can use the member values. I am only including an abstract because the main code will be huge. I do not want to create the struct in the class because the struct will be created once from a file and there will be up to 4000 instances of the class, all of which will use part of the struct.
The main cpp:
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#include "myClass.h"
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
struct foo
int num;
double dbl;
int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
foo bar;
baz qux(bar); //bar needs to be passed here
return 0;
The header:
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class baz
baz(const foo&); //This is where type of bar (foo) is declared
void setSum(int, double);
double getSum();
double sum;
The class:
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#include "myClass.h"
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
baz::baz(const foo& blah) //this is where bar is called
// setSum(num,dbl);
setSum(blah.num, blah.dbl);
void baz::setSum(int num, double dbl)
double baz::getSum()
return sum;
foo has not been declared on line 4 in myClass.h so the compiler will give you an error. You only have a reference to a foo so it doesn't need the full class definition of foo. A forward declaration is enough. struct foo;
In myClass.cpp you are accessing the members of foo so foo needs to be defined before you can do that. Put the definition of foo inside a header file and include it in myClass.cpp.