Windows API reference

I was wondering if anyone has a good reference for the functions and classes supplied in windows api. I've tried to search over and over but their website is just all over the place, messy, and just plain difficult to understand.
Does anyone have a link to a website as easy to understand and as well-written as the reference link supplied here, only for the windows api?
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Or maybe a website with a large collection of learner's sample codes? I'll be going through old posts in the Windows Programing forum to learn new functions, but having an actual list and example codes that work 100% would be nice.
Windows API List - by categgory

MSDN is a huge repository of reference information - it is not
there to teach you how to program pre se.
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> Or maybe a website with a large collection of learner's sample codes?
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OMG you guys are awesome, I've been trying to find sites like those since I first started C++.

Those pages are definitely getting bookmarked (especially the one from guestgulkan), and I'll start in on those tutorials too, thank you JLBorges.

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