Learning C++

I am trying to learn C++ on my own but I am realizing that this may take years (maybe decades). Eventually I'd like to program games or business platforms.

Are there any classes or seminars that you would recommend?

Thanks for your thoughts.

> I am trying to learn C++ on my own but I am realizing that this may take years (maybe decades).

You would keep learning C++ for ever. Hopefully.

> Eventually I'd like to program games or business platforms.

In a few months, you would be able to learn enough C++ to be competent to start writing games or business programs. And then, you keep on learning as long as you keep on programming.

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Thanks JL,
Are there any classes or seminars that you would recommend?
> Are there any classes or seminars that you would recommend?

you mean on line classes or seminars that I would recommend? Alas, I don't know of any.

Perhaps someone else would be able to tell you that.

Here are a list of books:

If I were to recommend just one introductory book, it would be 'Accelerated C++' by Koenig and Moo.
Jtborges is right. it won't take you 10 years a few months even less depending on how fast you. and how much time you have to work with it. There are also so many books out there for c++ plus the tutorial on here. if where you buy a few diffrent books on c++ so get to see all the different way things are done and stuff. if you really do plane on making games then you will also need to by books for 3d programming. Also books on making and writting game Ai. Here I will show you how I went about buying the books that will lead me to game making.

-Programming and solving with c++: comprehensive fifth edition +Lavoratory course in c++ 5th edition ( total for both books is $219.95 US
( First book has 1020 pages just to let you know lol)
you can read about this read on Jones and barlett website this is the kind of book you would get in university that covers it all. plus it comes with exercises, assignments and projects for you to practise with.

-Programming Game Ai by Example $58.95
-Beginning DirectX 9 $29.99
( 2 other directx 9 books call beginner and intermediate by frank anna I think but you will find those easy)
-Directx 9 user interfaces: Desgin and implementation $58.95
-Real time 3d terrain engine using c++ and directx $52.50
-Programming a multiplayer FPS in directX

Lastly if you want to make it online or make programs that use the internet then:

Windows socket Network Programming $67.99
( I went the Microsoft root because I have only windows computer and I can not trouble shoot for macs or linux so staying with one platform was easier to deal with and learn from also)

After all of that you will be fully ready to program any game :)
Thanks Stormhawk,
Thats some great advice. I'll get to the book store today. Now, if someone can just slow down time so I can catch up I'd greatly appreciate it!

Hope you have fun make games :)
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