Search,insert,swap,delete word from string

Hi all! I am making a program to input a paragraph from the user and then finds/swap/delete/insert a word in that paragraph. I am stuck on the first stage. I have made a program that just returns the starting index of the searched word. But its case sensitive and i want to search case insensitive word. Can someone guide me plz?

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

int main()
char str[500],find[500],option;
cout<<"Enter a text paragraph: ";
cout<<"\n\t\t String Operations "<<endl;
cout<<"\t Find\t\t:\t\t[F]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Replace\t:\t\t[R]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Delete\t\t:\t\t[D]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Insert\t\t:\t\t[I]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t DeleteSpecial\t:\t\t[S]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Print\t\t:\t\t[P]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Quite\t\t:\t\t[Q]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Enter Option\t:\t";
while (!(option=='F' || option=='f' || option=='R' || option=='r' || option=='D' || option=='d' || option=='I' || option=='i' || option=='S' || option=='s' || option=='P'|| option=='p'|| option=='Q'|| option=='q'))
cout<<"\nInvalid option!"<<endl<<endl;
cout<<" Enter One of these Options only"<<endl<<endl;
cout<<"\t Find\t\t:\t\t[F]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Replace\t:\t\t[R]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Delete\t\t:\t\t[D]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Insert\t\t:\t\t[I]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t DeleteSpecial\t:\t\t[S]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Print\t\t:\t\t[P]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Quite\t\t:\t\t[Q]"<<endl;
cout<<"\t Enter Option\t:\t";
case 'F': case 'f':
cout<<"Enter the word to find: ";
int wordlen=strlen(find);
for (int i=0;str[i];i++)
if (str[i]==find[0])
for (int j=0;find[j];j++)
if (str[i]==find[j])
if ((j+1)==wordlen)
cout<<find<<" is found at index "<<(i+1-wordlen)<<endl;
return 0;
Please help!

Paying special attention to: 'Search Facilities' and 'Erasing and Replacing Substrings'

> But its case sensitive and i want to search case insensitive word.

Make a copy of the string and convert every upper case character in the copy to lower case. Likewise with the word being searched for. Use the copies for finding start indices.
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