Hi guys. How do I generate a random number in intervals? Eg.(given a range from -300 to 300, I only want numbers in multiples of 5. So I want numbers like -215, -75, 10, 115, 160, 225 etc. I do not want numbers like -202, 103, 147 etc.)
My code currently only give any random number given a range:
New_Position_X = (rand() % 121 - 60) * 5;
/*rand() %121 gets you number in 0 – 120
*(...) - 60 gets ypou number in -60 – 60
*(...) * 5 gets you numer between -300 – 300
Edit sry that was wrong. Yours was right from the start. Dont need to handle negative values. if lets say i have -252 as the random number, then -252 % 5 = -2;
-252 - (-2) = -250; so i got a number that is multiple of 5.
fun2code's solution works too, because it uses integer division.
252 / 5 is 50.
This is easier than what I proposed, IMO.
This all works because the numbers are ints (I hope - you haven't said). If you are using doubles, then you can make use of std::modf to get the integer part, cast that to an int, do the mod function as above, then cast it back to a double again.
I don't like to perform integer division/modulus operations on negative numbers. First, it is not defined by standarts. Second, current realisation in most processors going against math rules.
20/10 = 2
19/10 = 1
10/10 = 1
9/10 = 0
0/10 = 0
-1/10 = 0 //Still 0!
-11/10 = -1
-20/10 = -2
When we want to generate random number from -20 to 20 and get only numbers divisible by 10 by routine x = (rand() % 41 - 20) / 10 * 10 we will get:
2 or -2 with 1/40 chance
1 or -1 with 1/4 chance
0 with 19/40 chance
resulting random number will not be evenly distributed.
New_Position_X = rand() % 601;// positive number
New_Position_X -= New_Position_X%5;// do it while number is positive
New_Position_X -= 300;// now make it (possibly) negative
Thanks for your input guys! Really appreciate it :)
At first my New_Position_X and New_Position_Y were of float type but i changed it to int to make life easier for me :P haha.
@JLBorges can i use this for floats and double? May need it for future use :D
Yes. Subject to the limitation that floating point is an inexact representation of a real number. For reasonably small integer values (like an integral value in the range -300 to +300), all you have to do is convert the result to a floating point type.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <ctime>
// a random floating point multiple of 5 in the inclusive range -300 to +300
double rand_in_interval()
static std::mt19937 rng( std::time(nullptr) ) ;
static std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distr( -60, +60 ) ;
return distr(rng) * 5 ; // the int is implicitly converted to a double