I was wanting to learn more about fstream and how to manipulate files better. I was wondering how would i simply create a folder with C++? i did it before but i dont have the code anymore.
EDIT: Also i want to be able to save the file with a uniqe name that the user gives it. Maybe the user enters a string and then its saves as that.
no i mean a macro but i cant remeber the data type. and did u remember using namespace std; and did u remember to include... oh wait ur overloading. so forget everything this post said so far. so i dont mean a macro i mean a data type my mistake its mode_t so do above mkdir mode_t variableName; and then mkdir(strName.c_str(), variableName);
C:\Users\Chay Hawk\Desktop\fstream practice\main.cpp||In function 'int main()':|
C:\Users\Chay Hawk\Desktop\fstream practice\main.cpp|35|error: 'mkdir' was not declared in this scope|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings ===|