why does a c++ programmer without UNIX experience is handicapped in many ways?

i read it from a book called introduction to C++ programming and graphics. i am currently using windows7, not sure what the author means by saying that.
> why does a c++ programmer without UNIX experience is handicapped in many ways?

I think what the author is trying to say is:
But Unix has a culture; it has a distinctive art of programming; and it carries with it a powerful design philosophy. Understanding these traditions will help you build better software, even if you're developing for a non-Unix platform.

Programming in general; don't think it is about C++ in particular.
i just installed the cygwin, it looks like a command window to me. not sure how it works.
Cygwin gives a Unix-like command line interface.

If you have never been exposed to Unix, there are a lot of tutorials on the web.
For instance: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Teaching/Unix/
thanx a lot, man.
Please i want to be carry alone , do u mean in windows 7 there is no unix trance sooo can then i use unix in windows

first there are three main operating systems DOS which became windows, unix which became the mac, and linux (which is a unix-flavor operating system). since windows doesnt have a very advanced command line, someone made cygwin, which is a terminal command line at its essence. u rnt at a disadvantage not knowing unix its just better knowledge. like i can use os specific properties and commands from this knowledge
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