Removing \n from end of file output?
I am using a linked list to create a password class. One of the methods is to update the password.txt file that is formatted as such:
The code to output the file:
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void password::updatePassList(){
ofstream outFile;
current = first;"password.txt"); //opens output file
current = first;
while(current != NULL){
outFile << current->info << endl;
current = current->link;
outFile.close(); //close file
After the function runs it leaves the cursor on a new line in the .txt file ex:
<------cursor is here.
When I reload the program is copies the last password twice ex:
Then the next time it will show 3 times etc etc etc.
Is here a way to ignore that final /n? thanks
Maybe there is something wrong with the code that reads from the file.
What does the read code look like?
BTW, don't use open/close on fstreams.
read code
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void password::createList(){
int num = 0;
ifstream inFile;
first = NULL;"password.txt"); // Open Input File
if(!inFile.is_open()) { // Check if the file didn't open.
cout << "Can't open input file. Closing." << endl;
exit(1); // abnormal termination of the program.
while(!inFile.eof()){ //Begin EOF while loop
inFile >> num;
newNode = new password;
newNode->info = num;
newNode->link = NULL;
if(first == NULL){
first = newNode;
last = newNode;
last->link = newNode;
last = newNode;
Thank you for this. I changed
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while(!inFile.eof()){ //Begin EOF while loop
inFile >> num;
while(inFile >> num)
Problem cleared right up :)
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