bit operations error

I'm having the following error at the following line:
if( ( (res >> i*8) ^ cmp[i] ) != 0x00)

the error is:
error: invalid operands of types 'void*' and 'int' to binary 'operator>>'|

res is of type void*
i is of type int
cmp is of type char*

all variables have the required space allocated.

Can you please help me figure out what's wrong?
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You can't use bit operations on pointers. What exactly are you trying to do?
Oh, sorry, i didn't knew... Thanks for the info.
Maybe it's something like one of those xor linked lists?

Anyway, to compile that,

if( ( (reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(res) >> i*8) ^ cmp[i] ) != 0x00)

If you don't have uintptr_t (it comes from cstdint in C++11 and from stdint.h in C99), size_t will likely work as well.
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