Hi Im completely new to this forum, so much so that this is actually my first post here. I wanted to know why very many people are discouraging the use of Herbert Schildt's books. Well he is not my father and neither do i know him personally but i'd love to know why his books are negated (not only in this forum but many others). I have Bjarne Stroustrups book as well but it looks rather outdated. To begin with, Herbert's example codes use the #include <iostream> precompiler directive whereas Bjarnes use #include <iostream.h> and does not quote the "using namespace std" statement. I feel like im learning two completely different languages. Whats the difference? Why is Herbert less favoured and which book should i use? Im on visual studio 6. I tried running the hello world program on the free visual studio 10 express edition and the results were rather alarming (errors and warnings popped up on a set of code that perfectly executed on the visual studio 6). I know i have not been definite on my questioning but whoever understands my predicament please help me out.
His books are riddled with errors (I only just discovered this the other day myself) and he likes to teach people bad habits.

Here's a page dedicated to errors in one of his C books:
I'm not sure exactly what u mean, but I hope this helps:
You should use visual studio 10, its newer, and it never hurts to have the up to date version. I would recommend that instead of using a book, you should use online tutorials. I havent been programming very long, but i learned all i know through tutorials.
Two very useful ones are: (the whole site pretty much)
This forum is also very useful, or at least it is for me.
Hope this helps :D!

directive whereas Bjarnes use #include <iostream.h> and does not quote the "using namespace std" statement.

From when is that book? 1985? The current edition is the third one released in 1997.
Don't use VC6.
The latest version of The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup uses <iostream> and namespace std.

recommend that instead of using a book, you should use online tutorials.
I have to recommend against what flamesscarlet. Using a good book is a good way to learn, especially if you are new to programming. Tutorials are often not complete, miss out important subjects and you have to be careful not to learn bad habits from them.
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thanks naureg. I had no idea...

Flames, i tried using visual studio 2010 but the interface is completely different from VS6. In my school, we are taught using vs6 where i can just create, compile and execute a code without having to create an entire project. This does not seem to be the case with 10. Maybe im doing something wrong coz id love to use vs10, its sleeker and has a more sophisticated interface but if i cant get work done with it then i might as well stick to vs6.

Athar, its called programming principles and practise using c++, i have no idea from what year.

Peter, Unfortunately im deficient of the funds to actually buy a new book so im limited in tutorials and free shared books. but i completely agree with you. Itd be a shame though if i saved up to get a book only to discover its ridden with errors.
Peter87 wrote:
The latest version of The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup uses <iostream> and namespace std.

Though, he also says (I have Special Edition) that it is considered poor programming to load everything into the global namespace and only used it to save print.
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