Help: I need the Borland C++ compiler

Could somebody tell me where to get the Borland C++ 5.5 compiler with the command line tools full version?

I have been looking for it so long and I don't know what to do to find.
Notice: I need a free version, thanks for helpping me.

You should know that that compiler is horribly ancient. You should get a more modern compiler. (Unfortunately, Embarcadero no longer offers the Turbo Explorer compilers for free, as they are pushing XE2. I want XE2, but I don't have $$$$ for it.)

You can get the Microsoft compiler for free. You can also use GCC on Windows. (Google MinGW and use the auto-installer msi from the downloads site.)

Good luck!
thanks buddies you've been really helpful, I know borland c++ compiler is an old one, but at university my teachers ask me for it, they don't allow me to use any other compiler by now.
but at university my teachers ask me for it, they don't allow me to use any other compiler by now.

Ask them why, and laugh in their face whatever they answer.
Also tell them requiring paid software means that it should be included in the tuition. No school is to require a certain compiler without either offering it, if it's a paid version, or without offering a reduced cost version.

Ask them why, and laugh in their face whatever they answer.

I want to laugh at all of these "instructors/professors" and because of their horrible teaching skills.
Also tell them requiring paid software means that it should be included in the tuition.

In their defense, that Borland compiler is freeware.

The point remains: they should help you focus on the language, and not the tools.
They should focus at the paradigm, not at the language.
They should focus on data structures and algorithms, and not the paradigm...
Im working on a project that was created back in 2006 using Borland Studio 2006 and that IDE has been driving me mad.
poor debug tool
poor navigation
no live error notification

well, its ancient stuff anyway.
I cant wait to get out of this project and borland studio.
Well buddies, I am very new as a C++ programmer, so What C++ compiler do you recommend me?
Microsoft Visual Studios
Is borland C++ not from before C++ was even standardized?

I'd recommend g++ (from the gnu compiler connection (gcc), which you can get as a part of MinGW for windows) with Code::Blocks or Eclipse as an IDE (you can get by just fine without one, but many people get scared when they're told to use the shell, even though by my experience people have just as many troubles getting used to an IDE - well, except for java. Java's command line programs are nearly unusable), Visual C++ (windows only, comes with an IDE).

Clang is also good, but last time I checked compiling it and it's dependencies took really long (though there may be windows binaries available).
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Borland is still around, and they're still producing compilers. It isn't heap though. And for starting out, I suggest Code::Blocks w/ MinGW.

Code::Blocks is your IDE. IDE is basically a fancy code editor, while MinGW is your compiler. This is what turns all of your code into an executable. Some people recommend running the compiler straight from the command prompt, but I suggest against it unless you're really familiar with it. Trying to learn one more thing is a pain on top of what you already need to know.

johnyj2j wrote:
Microsoft Visual Studios

Why do you recommend that over any other ones? Is it the only one you've tried? Also, Visual Studios isn't a compiler in itself. It's an IDE coupled with a compiler, specifically, Microsoft's VC++ compiler.

I have a bunch of reasons why I don't like the Visual Studios suite, but that's for another thread altogether.
It won't hurt to use the compiler your professor recommends. Just keep in mind that you are not using standard C++. I'm sure your CS department is aware that the software is a decade old.

Unless the course is specifically a C++ course, in which case your university is making a mistake. But for basic programming concepts, it is fine. A lot of software is still maintained (and even written) using BCC 5.5.
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