Probably dumb question, but I'll ask anyway

Is there any such thing as an online compiler that I don't have to download to my computer? Like, maybe one that I could just use their website and maybe they have a window to paste my code, and then I can compile it right there?

I know this is probably a long shot, but I thought it was worth it to I need a compiler!!

Since the compiler is on their server, it's to doing things that work over the web interface (i.e. simple text input/output, with the input presented in advance).

If you want to do anything serious, get a compiler. They're free.
OMG, there ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whooo hoooooooo! I can't believe this existed this WHOLE time and I didn't freakin know! I am so retarded! Oh, that's it, C++, you will be mine will be mine!

Lmao. Dude, I have so much downtime at work that I could have been using for programming all this time! Oh well. At least now I know. Thanks, Erin. You're welcome, Erin.

:) (Delirious with happiness....)
Thanks, guys. Yeah, after I asked the question, I searched for some, and wouldn't you know, they popped right up. I can't get a compiler at work easily. I had to request that it be installed, and it takes time, bla bla bla. Meanwhile, my final is next Friday, so that's why the rush.

I'm super excited. Does anyone who uses these like one over the other? I'm using codepad now...
You can get a mobile version of Code::Blocks and MinGW on a flash drive. It would be very convenient at work, and you shouldn't have any issues. You'd then have a fully functioning IDE and compiler. It may require some serious tweaking though.
I can't use a flash drive at work either. Government computers = strict rules. But thanks for the advice. I'm sure that will come in handy at some point, so I will def put that on my flash drive. I thought I did before, but it didn't work correctly when I went to use it.
There's also although I like more
I wouldnt get overly excited. Those are more for testing small snippets that you don't feel like actually compiling yourself. Not really meant for a serious project.
ResidentBiscuit is right. They're more designed for Hello World! programs and small quick programs. They have limited capabilities and typically are not 100% up to date with the standard, if maintained at all.

As for the C::B/MinGW flash drive, I found the best thing to do was to download the latest nightly and unzip it into the top directory of the flash drive, and then also install MinGW in the MinGW directory on the flash drive. Once you get them installed, I believe it's as simple as configuring codeblocks to recognize the location. There is a walkthrough on the codeblocks website on how to do this properly I do believe.
I wouldnt get overly excited. Those are more for testing small snippets that you don't feel like actually compiling yourself. Not really meant for a serious project. 

Lol. Have you seen my programs? Triangles. I wouldn't call that a 'serious project' and it's working wonders right now as I stumble though it trying to add these stupid spaces!!! Haha. Nothing's working!!
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