course average???

I'm trying to make a program to get the course average and the grade letter; the programe should ask for the last name, midterm grade and final grade,and get the couse average and the grade letter as the a final output.

the midterm test = 50% and the final test = 50% of the course average.

i've tried:
courseaverage= midtermgrade+fianlgrade

but did not work, can anyone tell me what do i have to do to get the course average and the letter grade??

This is what i got so far:

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char LastName[20];
int midtermGrade;
double finalGrade;
double courseAverage;
char letterGrade(double numericgrade);

cout << "Enter a Last Name: ";
cin >> LastName;
cout << endl;
cout << "Midterm Grade: ";
cin >> midtermGrade;
cout << endl;
cout << "Final Grade Score: ";
cin >> finalGrade;


Uh... You don't know how to calculate an average?
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closed account (SNbpX9L8)
hey in simple terms average=(grade1+grade2+grade3)/amount of grades (3)

average = (midtermGrade + finalGrade) / 2;
To get the average, follow Zaita's advice.

To get the letter grade, try an if-else control statement. (USE THE <= AND >= SIGNS, LUKE...)
Be careful. midtermGrade is an Integer and finalGrade is double, so Zaitas formula works, but if you change finalGrade to integer, you have to do

average = (midtermGrade + finalGrade) / (double) 2;

or the calculation will return an integer, wich means, the number will be rounded down.
Aren't operands always converted to the type of the biggest operand?
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