about struct

hi everyone could you plase say what is wrong with this code i just get the first person's information in the array

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct human{
string name,surname;
int age;


void read_(human *h){

cout<<h->name<<" "<<h->surname<<" "<<h->age<<endl;
int main(){
human i[3];
for(int k=0;k<3;k++){
cout<<"name "<<endl;
cout<<"age "<<endl;

for(int z=0;z<3;z++){


It is the compiler that reports errors. So next time do not bother the forum and read compilation errors!
I can point out an invalid construction


Also interesting what idiot did teach you to use such names as read_ with trailing underscore?!
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@vlad - That is an error but it's not a compiler error. A good compiler should warn about it though.
firstly i dont bother anyone secondly you dont have to answer my question thirdly nobady teach me anything i am trying to learn c++ with resources i found on the net . and last thing please dont help me next time
Why do you have decided that it is not a compilation error? In fact a pointer is converted to integral type. And, secondly. z is not an array! How this code can be compiled?!
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Your question is
could you plase say what is wrong with this code

and I pointed out that it shall not be compiled. So you should show at least the code that is compiled before ask why something is not read.
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1. You should not use the '_' character in the beginning and end of your function names, they are ONLY used for C++'s Standard Libraries's Internal Utilities, and using it may give you errors. So just remove it with some other name. You can anyways use the '_' character, if the first letter after this symbol is a Uppercase letter, like: _READ instead of _read. Or maybe it was lowercase, i don't remember. But for security reasons don't use it, eventually use read_f. There should be no problem using a '_' INSIDE a function name.

2. Into the statement read_(z[&i]); You missed it. It should be: read_(&z[i]);.

3. There is no third point. That should do the "job".
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&i gives you a pointer to the array (human(*)[3]).
z[&i] is the same as (&i)[z]. Using operator[] on the pointer we get an array (human[3]). An array decays to a pointer (human*) which is exactly what the function expects as argument.
EssGeEich thakn you somuch friend it works now.. and thanks peter
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Thanks, I have also seen it but at the first glance it seems as an error. Of course a[0] and 0[a] are equivalent. But in any case such constructions should be avoided because they make the code difficult to read.:)

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