It seems using the cmd prompt in Windows is not the best way to do this. I just want to build simple programs and be able to see them working in a Windows environment, since I am running XP on my pc. This way I can follow the tutorial every step of the way and watch my lines of code do what they are supposed to do.
If this question seems absolutely baby-ish, I apologize. I simply want to do things the right way from the outstart. (I did do a site search of the word "compiler" before asking this question.)
First off, let me say that I am absolutely biased when it comes to compilers :)
I'll assume that you're using a windows system for development.
My first recommendation would be Microsoft's compiler that comes bundled with Visual Studio 2010 Express. After installing Visual Studio, you should be able to jump right in and start writing C++ programs without any configuration on your end.
Another option would be to use a port of the GNU GCC compiler for Windows (mingw), although there may be more configuration needed before using it. An IDE that will work with it (assuming there aren't any configuration issues), is code::blocks.
code::blocks ide installer
A third option would be to install mingw and use it via command-line (which quickly gets confusing as your projects grow large, or use cave-man tools make-files.
Whether you want to use and IDE or not, and which IDE to use, is a very personal decision. Perhaps you should try all these out, and then settle on the one that is best suited for you.
The only problem with Visual Studio (at least the 2008 version) is that it only runs on Windows 7. You can't run it on your xp. I used to use Bloodshed Dev C++, but that has a few limitations and I don't really like the way Dev sets the code blocks, but I'm sure that you wouldn't have a problem with that as a beginner.
Another option to try, though I admit I haven't tried it yet, would be eclipse's C/C++ compiler. I've used their Java IDE and I like that setup, so their C/C++ compiler should be ok. If you do decide to try this, then you'd have to tell me how you like it because I'm looking for a compiler to replace my Dev compiler for programming on other computers.
The only problem with Visual Studio (at least the 2008 version) is that it only runs on Windows 7. You can't run it on your xp.
Unless Microsoft changed something recently, thats not true. I have run VS2008 on XP in fact a year and a half ago my college only had XP and all lab systems had VS2008, I cant speak for VS2010 though.
In that case, I was given incorrect information. I never really cared because I have Windows 7 and don't need to know if it works on my computer or not anyways.