GCC 4.7 for Linux (Ubuntu 11.10)


Where can I download the GCC 4.7 compiler for Ubuntu 11.10?

The last time I came here I got these recommended links which work for windows. But now I want to install the compiler on linux too and I having an issue finding the best place to download from (plus an installation guide would be useful if anyone has found it for ubuntu 11.10).

(these two don't seem to have the linuc gcc4.7 compiler)
http://nuwen.net/mingw.html or
sorry my bad, I didn't know that the i686 download (on the google link ) meant support for ubuntu
I didn't know that the i686 download (on the google link ) meant support for ubuntu

Well, it doesn't. Everything available on that site produces Windows executables.
If you upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04, you can use the Test Toolchain PPA to install GCC 4.7:
Otherwise you might have to compile it yourself if you can't find a PPA.
Where can I find a tutorial for compiling it?
where can I download the gcc4.7 compiler for ubuntu 12.04?
When I installed gcc 4.7 (before it was offically released) I downloaded it from their svn server http://gcc.gnu.org/svn.html

You can also download it from one of their mirror sites http://gcc.gnu.org/mirrors.html

You will have to build it yourself.
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how do I download the contents in this folder?

You want to download gcc-4.7.0.tar.gz or gcc-4.7.0.tar.bz2. Not both because they should contain the same thing. Just click on the filename to download the file.
its ok I've managed to download it but now I'm seep into the install phase and I'm getting an error telling me that the "install" file in the gcc4.7.0 folder has "no target rule to make install stop".
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