hello beginner here

need help with my assignment...
the ques goes as follows
the loan intitlement for students in the library is up to 3books and they must be returned within a maximum loan period of 14days. Fines are imposed on overdue items at the rate of 20cents per book per day. Create a program to calculate the fine. Your program should:
read the numbers of books and the number of days they are borrowed.
Calculate and display number of day overdue and total fine imposed.

Im sry for asking this but im desperate. Need to do it by tmrw. I knw its a very simple ques. But i've just started using C++ 3days back and im supposed to do this.. I've tried doing it many times already but always seem to get errors over and over again.. Any tips on how to do this pls ?? thanks in advance..
Here are not any profs :D here only nubs :S

So past your code you made. And write in English how would you do it.
well nvm.. i'll jst pass in the program i made even though im unable to run it.. hopefully i do not get a fail on it..
i knw what i asked was not allowed but still im desperate.. thx anyways :)
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