Basically, you just need to get used to using the command line itself. Since you are on Windows, it is also useful to set up some stuff to help you out.
MinGW comes with a nice utility called MSYS, which is, essentially, a bash shell that does its best to do the right thing under Windows. (You can use it when you need to configure and compile programs using common *nix tools, like
I tend to say with the MS Console window for most tasks. I have a shortcut that has a "target" of
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k D:\Michael\bin\prompt.bat |
and positions the prompt to be nice and big (instead of that little-bitty window that comes up by default.)
The file "prompt.bat" sets up my command path, doskey macros, and other things. For example, here's the (very simple) one I have set up on my wife's PC:
@echo off
set path=d:\Michael\bin;%PATH%
set dircmd=/ogn
doskey >nul
doskey cp=copy $*
doskey lesss=less -S $*
doskey deltree=rd /s/q $*
doskey vi=notepad $*
doskey dird=dir /ad /d $*
doskey wish=tclkit-8.5.7-win32.upx.exe
doskey tclsh=tclkitsh-8.5.7-win32.upx.exe
The directory I use as home, "D:\Michael\bin" contains a lot of nice utilites, such as "unzip.exe" and "tar.exe" (GNU Tar for Windows), as well as batch files that help me modify my environment for the current task.
For example, "D:\Michael\bin\g++.bat" contains:
@echo off
set PATH=C:\MinGW\bin;%PATH%
g++ %*
This has the feature that it only gets called
once, where it sets-up my GCC environment. After that, the compiler gets called directly. (This doesn't just apply to the GCC, you can do this for any additional environment.)
You should make sure that the cmd.exe extensions are enabled as well. This makes doing certain things in the command prompt much easier.
I use my old Delphi 5 IDE to edit everything, then switch to the command prompt to compile and run, etc.
Well, that should be enough to get started. Hope this helps.