I know this is probably going to be a pretty random question but I want to learn C++ but the only books that I have on C++ are my dad's from when he did his degree. But they're really old, about 14 years. Do you guys think the info will be outdated? Or could I still use them..
The current version of C++ was finalized around some time between 2001-2003, but most of the stuff in that book should still be mostly accurate. The only major difference that I can think of of hand is that the library files will have different names, though I'm sure that there's more.
A book I recommend is C++ Primer by Lippman and Lajoie. It talks about C++ as an object oriented language from the beginning, which I think is how it should be taught. Sure, it's a multi-paradigm language but the strength comes from OO
yeah, I see what you mean, the object oriented part of C++ is what I really want to learn about anyways since I already know C pretty well, so I'm familiar with pointers and a lot of other things that are probably similar in C++. But anyways, that book looks great! Not too pricey either.