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i am sorry if i should write this topic but i am new in this forum and in this language(c++) too.

YESTERDAY i decided to learn this language!!!
i am 15 years old and i would like to learn how many months it will takes to me to learn the basic? Also i have buy one book and have seen some videos tutorial but i would like to learn more so how can i start?

also i have download the (codeblock) which is a programm,so i would like to learn if i should download another programm and if this which i have(codeblocks)
is good!!!

thanks in advance!!!
IDEs are good to some people. I personally don't like them.

But anyway... How long does it takes to know basics... It took slowly on me because i was extremely lazy. I started learning by writing:
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char ** argv)

return 0;

I writed it many.... many times... After that learned variables, cout, if statelement, looping, and classes... Some how in that order... Then i started to read about libraries outside of standard libraries....
I think the most important is that YOU write code. If you only listen and read you will not learn much.
which programm i should download?
1)i mean ,where i should implement the codes?
In Code::Blocks.
Ok im a begginner to and this video tutorial helped me so much its definatly worth taking a look at!
Its 73 videos on how to learn C++ and explains it really slowly!
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It took slowly on me because i was extremely lazy. I started learning by writing:

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char ** argv)

return 0;

You are mistaken! Lazy people writes

int main() {}

instead of your code!
to create a game i will make it from codeblock?
also how can i make a game?
Yes you can do all the coding for a game in Code::Blocks. Graphics, Sounds and such things you use some other program to do.

Focus on learning the language and have patience. It will take more time than you think.
hello. i am new to c++ prog language too and i would like some advices too!
i am a student (mechanic) and i would like to tell me a good book for learning(fast,easy,complete and up to date if possible :~)
i am 15 and i am learning about 3 days!!!
but i am clever so how much time it will take to me?
If you have never learned any language before, it will take you a few weeks to get used to the syntax, a few weeks to understand the concepts and how things work, and a few months to learn how to solve problems then write the C++ code for the solution. If you have learned another language before, The syntax learning will be quicker, learning how things in C++ work will be somewhat quicker, but learning C++ design patterns will be harder because you will have the other language(s) in your mind.

I learned C++ originally then learned Java, and the hardest thing for me to do was to stop thinking like C++ when writing Java code.
no i am new in this so i want to know,1)which language is the most important and better?
Irrelevant. Different languages have different uses. There is no rank in terms of importance or which is better.
1)i am 15 and i am learning about 3 days!!!
but i am clever so how much time it will take to me?
2) to learn i should write more than read?
Dont mean to scare: C++ takes several months,i repeat several months to master, BUT believe me its as sweet as lollipop,so you cant say how much time it's gon' take for you to "lick" it.
Just be passionate about it and you'll later be surprised on how far you've gone.
Q2: Do both but focus more on writing. DO NOT stop reading.

Edit: To include question 2
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closed account (zb0S216C)
skarla wrote:
how much time it will take to me?

That depends on too many factors. Answering that would be a pure guess. The amount of time you put in doesn't matter. You could be learning for 10 years, and still not know about classes. The rate of improvement depends on these (plus many more):

1) How you're taught.
2) What you're taught.
3) How much hands-on experience you get.

skarla wrote:
to learn i should write more than read? (sic)

Write only what you've read, no more, no less. Don't move onto another topic until you fully understand the topic you're currently reading. Rushing through a book isn't going to get you anywhere, nor is it going to make you an expert any faster.

now i have learn about cout , cin, void, sizeof,const, to do maths and now i ll go in painting!!!
for three days i go fast ,slow or good?
Learning Check:
1. What kind of object is std::cout?
A. std::ostream
B. std::istream
C. std::iostream
D std::stream

2. What namespace is std::cin located in?
A. The global namespace (::cin)
B. The std namespace (std::cin)
C. The main function's namespace (main::cin)
D. The iostream namespace (iostream::cin)

3. What does 'void' signify when used in place of the return type for a function?
A. That it could void your warranty
B. That the function is abstract
C. That the function simply doesn't return a value
D. That the function can't be the main function

4. What would you expect sizeof(int) to be on a 64-bit compiler?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8

5. What does the 'const' modifier do to variables?
A. It constantly updates their value
B. It modifies their constructor
C. It makes you have to type the variable name in all-caps
D. It prevents you from changing the variable after you make it

6. What does a = i++ do if i started at 3?
A. a becomes three and i becomes four
B. a becomes four and i becomes four
C. a becomes three and i becomes five
D. a becomes five and i becomes five

How many did you get right?
Answers: ABCDDA
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Pages: 12