I was trying to do something using a varible such as experience or gold, and i was wondering if there was a way to set a limit to a greater than or less than statement like
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if (gold//through statement that set the limit for gold)
//make an option to buy something
cout << "You don't have enough money to buy this. \n";
//I know when working with a store no limits is good but i want to be able to set a max
return 1;
the problem with greater than or less than is that when using a loop, the test will always be true for the lack of the limit thanks for your time
I don't know if I understand. Is this what you want?
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if (gold >= cost)
// do something
gold -= cost;
cout << "You don't have enough money to buy this. \n";
//I know when working with a store no limits is good but i want to be able to set a max
return 1;
while gold = 1-99 // do something
// but i dont want it to be subtraction, i want it to only work while the varible is between 2 numbers
or mabye heres a better example
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if (experience 1-99//but not subtraction, while the number is between)
if (experience 100-199//again not subtraction)
level=2//and so on
that is easier, but i dont want it to continue to be level=0
because as you gain something like experience dont you want the varible to be 2 things at once, else if it causes the new statement to overwrite the old, dont you have to rerun it each time you gain experience