All the Implementation I saw had used Vector Library Which I don't know how to use !! So I made A little Code without using Vectors !!
Tell me ur Opinions
Note : I used a Const just for my self I will adjust it later using pointers for User interaction
for (x=0;x<=n;x++) You could start from the last_prime instead of 0. Also you are accessing out of bounds.
That jump makes the code harder to follow, replace it with a loop.
It' Not Complicated as you Think Because if I didn't write the second condition the Prime will be always 2 !!
& It doesn't work with really big numbers ( Gives Me Stack Overflow Error )!!! Damn it I wanna optimize this but I have Physics Lecture I have to study for :@:@
#include <iostream>
int main()
constint N = 150 ;
bool sieve[N] ;
for( int i=0 ; i<N ; ++i ) sieve[i] = true ;
// as pointed out earlier, we don't need a seperate array int num [n]
// to hold the prime numbers. We will organize the sieve such that
// if sieve[i] == true at the end, i is the prime number
// start the loop with i == 2. we know that 0 and 1 are not prime numbers
// we will just ignore the first two values
// this gets rid of the obfuscation that was mentioned earlier
for( int i=2 ; i<N ; ++i ) if( sieve[i] )
// we need to check the sieve only from i*i onwards (why?)
// to get the next multiple of i, we add i to the current multiple
for( int j = i*i ; j<N ; j += i ) sieve[j] = false ;
for( int i=2 ; i<N ; ++i ) if( sieve[i] ) std::cout << i << ' ' ;
std::cout << '\n' ;
Also This One to Make The last Number False for( int j = i*i ; j<N+1 ; j += i ) sieve[j] = false ;
But It still Doesn't work With Big Numbers Stack Overflow Error I think I will learn vectors I read it's Less Memory Consuming
Well Guys I think I will give up Playing With Primes Because it drives me crazy (O_o)
> I will Edit the last loop condition ....
> for( int i=2 ; i<N+1 ; ++i ) if( sieve[i] ) std::cout << i.... << ' ' ;
> Also This One to Make The last Number False
> for( int j = i*i ; j<N+1 ; j += i ) sieve[j] = false ;
The array has just N elements. bool sieve[N] ;
The last element of the array can be accessed with sieve[N-1]
With sieve[N] , you will be trying to access an element that does not exist.
> But It still Doesn't work With Big Numbers Stack Overflow Error
The amount of memory available on the run-time stack is limited ( typically to a very small portion of the total memory that is available to the program).
Changing the storage duration of the array with staticbool sieve[N] ; would typically allow the array to be of a larger size than at present.
> I think I will learn vectors I read it's Less Memory Consuming
Learning to use a std::vector<> is a very good idea.
However, It would consume at least as much memory (and a bit more) as a C-style array. But the memory it uses is dynamically allocated; it would use just a few bytes on the stack.
I totally agree with u but about arrays if u run ur code & Initialized n = 997 or any prime
It won't Show up in the result :)
Oh I forget that Sieve Theory Find the Primes before a specific number , it doesn't do anything with the limit !
> Initialized n = 997 or any prime It won't Show up in the result :)
> Find the Primes before a specific number , it doesn't do anything with the limit !
Right. So if what is needed is all primes up to and including N, make the size of the sieve equal to N+1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
#include <iostream>
int main()
constint N = 997 ; // prime numbers upto and including N
constint SZ = N + 1 ; // size of sieve
bool sieve[SZ] ;
for( int i=0 ; i<SZ ; ++i ) sieve[i] = true ;
for( int i=2 ; i<SZ ; ++i ) if( sieve[i] )
for( int j = i*i ; j<SZ ; j += i ) sieve[j] = false ;
for( int i=2 ; i<SZ ; ++i ) if( sieve[i] ) std::cout << i << ' ' ;
std::cout << '\n' ;