If it's OK, I post this again (with indentation now). My question was if anyone has suggestions for improving the code or correcting some big mistakes. If it's not OK to post this twice, just ignore it. Also the graphics output is still horrible with this stupid dislin package. Also thanks for ne555 for pointing out one former mistake in the code.
//Random Walk Simulator, scatter plot or bar graph
#include "dislin.h"
using namespace std;
const int matrixSize = 600;
int main ()
float histogram[matrixSize] = {0}; //set histogram values to zero
float gridPositions[matrixSize]; // number of grid points
int numberOfRealizations = 10000; //number of Monte-Carlo steps
int numberOfSteps = matrixSize; //number of steps per run
int offset = matrixSize / 2; //starting point
srand(time(NULL)); //initialize random number generator
for (int loop; loop < matrixSize; loop++)
gridPositions[loop] = loop - offset; //grid points
for(int outerLoop = 0; outerLoop < numberOfRealizations; outerLoop++)
double position = offset; //starting point
for(int innerLoop = 0; innerLoop < numberOfSteps; innerLoop++)
position = position + 4.0 * (rand()/double(RAND_MAX) - 0.5);
histogram[int(position)] += 1;
int iPoints = 0; // 1: scatter plot, 0 or other value: bar plot
if (iPoints == 1)
qplsca(gridPositions, histogram, matrixSize); //plots symbols at data values
const int binSize = 20; //number of histogram values in each bin
const int smallMatrixSize = matrixSize / binSize; //number of bars in plot
float smallHistogram[smallMatrixSize] = {0};
cout << smallMatrixSize << endl;
int binNumber = 0;
for(int outerLoop = 0; outerLoop < matrixSize - binSize; outerLoop += binSize)
for(int innerLoop = 0; innerLoop < binSize; innerLoop++)
smallHistogram[binNumber] = smallHistogram[binNumber] + histogram[binNumber * binSize + innerLoop];
qplbar(smallHistogram, smallMatrixSize); //bar graph of histogram
Get rid of these (they may or may not be available). Instead, use C++ headers.
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1 2 3 4 5 6
constint matrixSize = 600;
int main ()
float histogram[matrixSize] = {0}; //set histogram values to zero
// ...
Consider using std::vector<> instead of an array. Prefer using double as the floating point type (unless there is a specific interoperability/space requirement).
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constint matrixSize = 600;
int main ()
float histogram[matrixSize] = {0}; //set histogram values to zero
float gridPositions[matrixSize]; // number of grid points
int numberOfRealizations = 10000; //number of Monte-Carlo steps
int numberOfSteps = matrixSize; //number of steps per run
int offset = matrixSize / 2; //starting point
Consider writing the program in such a way that parameters can be changed easily, without having to modify code and recompile. For instance, these could be passed as command-line parameters, or picked up from a configuration file or environment variables.
position = position + 4.0 * ... Avoid use of magic numbers in code
int iPoints = 0; // 1: scatter plot, 0 or other value: bar plot
Consider using an enum here. Prefer expressing yourself in working code; use comments only when code is incapable of saying what you want to say.