reset conditional

In the following program how can i remove the conditional code and reset without using if, while, do-while,select-case or any conditional text:


just by using the sample code.
if( capacity<= max )
    a = b + c ;

can be written as ( capacity <= max ) && ( a = b + c ) ;
or for that matter as ( capacity > max ) || ( a = b + c ) ;

Though you would be deluding yourself if you believe that there is no conditional of any kind in such constructs.
You want to remove the conditional right? And do what? I don't get what exactly do you want.

You have a condition and when it's fulfilled the statement that follows are being executed. What do you want to do with that?
Thanks dudes, but this's not my answer. I don't want to do something, there is a question in my book in chapter one, before starting the flow of control. and before start even || or &&. and I know that we have a way to solve this practice.

Can't be replaced by non conditional code, because it's a condition. Depending on the situation it's possible to do things without a conditional, but without seeing the actual code noone can tell.
I'm also confused. What exactly are you trying to do? What do you mean "reset the conditional"? That doesn't really make sense.
Yes i think it can't be replaced, thanks all
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