Sterilizing User Input

I'm trying to make sure that cin never gives me an error, no matter what the user inputs. This is what I have so far.

while(!(cin >> width))
                    cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
                    cout << "Invalid input.  Try again: ";

It works for letters, but if you enter "5r", it crashes. What else can I do?
is it type char? then it would overload
Sorry, yes, it is char. I want it to only allow numbers.
I don't know if you can change the behaviour somehow but normally when you read a char from std::cin you read a character and not a number. Can't you make width an int instead?
Oh god am I dumb... it is NOT a char, the variable width is an integer. The reason I posted this question is because it crashes whenever anything besides an integer is entered. I was trying to find a way to sterilize user input so that if they enter "octopus23" it gives an error as opposed to crashing while I am collecting the variable width.
When I said it works for letters, I meant that it successfully gives an error message when letters are inputted. However, I still get an error if letter/number combo's are inputted.

Sorry about the confusion.
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When you enter "5r" it reads the integer value 5 into width so there no error. It probably crash because of something that happens after the loop.
Hm, you are right, it isn't crashing anymore.. I guess my problem is solved then heheh.
...this is embarassing
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try string then string stream it into an int and test it for numbers then based on the reply give the error
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