what makes C++ work?

I wonder what exactly makes C++ work - high math formulae, or another language? ? What does it look like? Is it open to users?
Thank you.
The compiler translates the code into machine code that can run on your computer with help from the OS.
its 1 and 0's
"...The compiler translates the code into machine code that can run on your computer with help from the OS...."
I could sound stupid, but does it mean special ways were invented to translate human instructions into machine code? And how was it done? I mean what tools were used to resolve this incredible task?
I think it is magic.
This is a complicated question lol. Short answer, compiler translates c++ to an assembly language and opcodes, and then down to 1s and 0s. Interestingly enough, anything you can do with software (ie program) can be done with hardware (ie gates, transistors, etc.) So as you can imagine, this is a huge topic. There's entire books written on it
It's a lot less magic than is the human ability to understand language. Programming languages need to have very simple syntax and very unambiguous semantics compared to human speech. It's really only that modern PC hardware can execute these simple command billions of times per second that makes a computer seem like magic.
i had the same question

Relating to the link, computers originally weren't binary based. They actually worked off the based 10 system, but some guy (can't remember the name) realized that a base 2 system translates perfectly into logic gates and transistors. It's interesting stuff. If you pick up a book on computer architecture and organization, you'll likely learn a lot
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